Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jason's p.o.v

I found myself in my bedroom drinking the rest of the whisky bottle that I had in my hand. The club was a sad bust and I had no idea what to do. I found a hot bitch but I couldn't fuck her. I wanted too but my body disagreed. All I could think about was Miley and how the bitch wasn't Miley.

What was happening to me? I never got held up by a girl—woman before. It was something that had never effected me like this. I had no idea what to do.

I threw the now empty bottle at a wall; like I had done with the previous bottles. It didn't matter how much a drank, I still wasn't drunk enough to forget her.

What? What was I supposed to do? Marry her? Fuck no. That would never work. I couldn't run and hide from the world just to be with her. I would never be safe—we would never be safe. What was I going to do?

"Jason?" Bear asked walking into the bedroom. Concern was all over his face and I couldn't look at him because his face reflected what he saw in me.

"Leave," I shouted.

"We have a problem." He said with a stern expression. I could read his face well and I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"Shit," I muttered.

I ran my hands through my hair and pulled at it. I stood up and walked towards the nearest wall throwing a few punches at it.

"Jason," Bear screamed pulling me back by my shirt.

He pulled me into the bathroom and shoved me in the shower then turned on the water. I feel to my knees as the water fell on me. Bear helped me out and gave me dry clothes to put on. He gave me some water and aspirin to take for my now throbbing headache.

"Listen," Bear started once I had calmed down. We were now siting in the living room area. "It's about Sam." He said grabbing my full attention.

"What about Sam?" I asked clenching my fist together. My whole body was suddenly tense.

"She called me." He said clearing his throat and looking at me. "She is on a plane over here as we speak."

"What?" I said jumping to my feet. "Why didn't tell her not too?" I asked on the edge of punching him.

"I tried but she is your sister and she wasn't having it. I tried to talk her out of it and she said that we should be happy that she even gave us a warning."

"Fuck," I muttered running my hands through my hair.

"I will have someone pick her up from the airport." Bear said.

"Don't tell anyone who she is and you go and pick her up yourself." I instructed.

"Okay," he nodded walking out of the room.

I already had enough on my plate and I didn't want to add my sister into the mix of things. I picked up my phone and called Lewis.

"Jason," he said answering the phone.

"Lewis," I said.

"What is going on?" He asked.

"Everything." I sighed.

"Well, we need to talk about a few things." He started and cleared his throat. "Miley and I were talking last night and we came up with a good idea. Well, she came up with an idea."

"What?" I asked. The mention of her name sent my body into shock mood.

"She is going to reach out and contact her father. I doubt they can settle their differences but the war we are about to dive into won't end well. If we can talk this out, we might be able put an end to this without killing people." He explained.

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