Chapter Thirty

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Miley's p.o.v

"Hello," I said answering my phone.

"This Friday," My father's voice echoed through the phone sending shivers throughout my body.

"Grant Grand has got in touch with you about the location, correct?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. I could tell by his voice alone that he had not changed one bit.

"See you Friday," I said hanging up the phone.

I felt my nerves begin to fire up throughout my body. Chills swept through my body again as I feel down to the ground. The darkness had taken over me.


"Miley," Bear said picking Miley up off the ground.

"What happened?" Lewis screamed grabbing Miley out of Bear's arms.

"I don't know," Bear said, "We were talking with Jon and she got a phone call and left the room. I heard a thump and came out and saw her on the floor." He is just as confused as Lewis.

"Where is her phone?" Jon said looking for the phone.

"Here," Chuck said picking it up off the ground. Everyone that was in the room was silent.

"What happened?" Jason's voice erupted. He walked into the living room with a distort look on his face. His face dropped when he saw Miley laying limp in Lewis arms.

Lewis face held fear and worry. Jason froze in place with his eyes locked on Miley. Everyone in the room was able to read his face.

"I think it was Maximus," Chuck said handing the phone to Bear. Everyone was now in the room full of concern for Miley. What had happened? Why had she fainted? Their thoughts were all different but all concerning.

"The call lasted under a minute," Bear said breaking the awkward silence.

"Let me," Jason said walking over to Lewis. Lewis placed Miley into his arms.

Jason swiftly walked over to the couch and laid her down. Everyone was in shock and fear.

"Get a cold wash cloth, she is burning up." Jason said without taking his eyes off of her. Fear and worry was written all over his face. His reactions were fast and he seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

"Here," Megan said running back into the living room with a wet rag.

Jason took that rag and placed it on Miley's burning forehead. She was still and her skin had lost its color.

"Lewis, call a doctor." Jason demanded.

"Okay," Lewis said stammering out of the room.

"What do you think happened?" Sam asked watching her brother.

"Maximus could have said something to her." Bear said.

"I doubt it." Jon shook his head. "She was waiting for him to call in order to confirm the time. That was all that call was about and it was under a minute. There is no way that it was anything more then a confirmation call." Jon reasoned.

"So why did she pass out?" Chuck asked.

"Stress," Jason said nonchalantly.

He was right; Miley had been under extreme stress. Dealing with her father on top of everything had thrown her over the edge.

"The doctor is on the way," Lewis said walking back into the room.

"Do you really think its stress?" Sam asked looking at Jason who was kneelt down in front of the couch watching Miley closely.

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