Chapter Thirty-Two

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Miley's p.o.v

"Look, at any point if you want me to step in, I will." Lewis said after he had pulled me to the side away from everyone else.

We were now waiting to head to the designated location of this meeting and my nerves were out of control. Everyone seemed a bit nervous and worried and I wasn't sure if that was because of me or because of the situation in general.

"Okay," I said letting out another shaky breath.

I just needed to get through today. I felt sick to my stomach, bloated, I had cramps, I felt feverish, light headed, and nauseous. I couldn't seem to shake away any of these feelings. Nothing seemed to be working right for me and I hated that feeling.

"You look sick," Fringe said look at me.

"I feel sick," I said rubbing my head. "I don't think I will be able to do this." I said grabbing Fringe's arm. I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out again.

"You will be fine." Jason said walking over to me. "This will all be over soon and if you don't face him now you never will." Jason said looking at me.

"Yeah, you are right." I sighed standing up straight. I took a few deep breaths while looking at Fringe, Lewis and Jason.

Jason's face looked sad. Sadder then I have ever seen it before. He looked at me in a way that I have never seen before and I couldn't seem to understand or even know how to describe it. He walked over to cheek on Sam whom is also nervous because she is meeting her long lost love. Megan hadn't left her side since we left the house and that pissed me off.

I took in Jason's advice and took another deep breath before opening my eyes. I needed to be strong, I needed to get through this, and I needed to prove everyone wrong.

"Hello everyone," Grant said walking into the conference room that we were waiting in. It wasn't the nicest room I had ever seen but we needed to stay under the radar considering most of us were wanted felons.

"Hello," Lewis said walking up and shaking Grant's hand. He had worked with him in the past so they have some history.

"Miley, you look stunning." He winked at me.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I smiled back at him.

"Well, sadly we don't have to much time for small chat. Everything is set so let's head out to the van." Grant said leading us out of the room and the old building we were in.

"It won't be to long of a drive. I will be in the car in front of the van. Charlie will be driving this van for you. Sit tight." Grant said as we all piled into the van. I ended up sitting in the front next to Fringe.

"Miley, you like know everyone." Sam said. She was sitting behind me next to Megan.

"Yeah," I breathed. I wasn't interested in talking to anyone at this point.

"God, is there any person that you haven't slept with." Sam laughed. Everyone was silent and I was honestly surprised she even talked to me like that.

"I am not in the mood to talk about how much of a slut I am. If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will shut it for you. So shut the fuck up and stop testing me, bitch." I spat turning around to face her.

The whole van was silent the rest of the ride there and I couldn't give any fucks about that. I wanted this to be over with so I could dump some of these worthless people out of my life.

After a while the van pulled to a stop. Grant opened the door to the van and everyone climbed out. We were in the middle of the woods and I wasn't sure if that was good or bad. I knew that the area had already been secured by Grant's army. I was more worried about being face-to-face with my father then anything else.

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