Chapter Eleven

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Jason's p.o.v

"Morning boss, can I get you anything?" One of the prospects asked once I walked into the media room. I didn't bother to learn his name because he hadn't done anything to deserve my respect, yet.

"You can go get Miley and bring her down her." I said walking to my second in command here at Central.

"Boss," he greeted me.

"Julian," I nodded. "Give me a rundown of thing before Miley gets here." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes," he cleared his throat and grabbed a file to hand to me. "We have not had any trouble here. Things have seemed to be really silent. The local problems are handled through the local PD. I have all that information in the file. We haven't seemed to have any threats or problems since Derek. Now with the new information I think Jeremy might be a problem." Julian explained.

"Any word from him or his old contacts?" I asked. I needed some lose ends to be tied up. Jeremy had a lot of good contacts but considering he has pretty much turned into a rat I am not sure if they will even work with him. If I gather those contacts up, they could really help me during this conflict with Derek and Maximus.

"No word from Jeremy, but I have heard that most of his contacts are no longer talking with him." Julian replied.

"What about Germane?" I asked. He was a close and extremely reliable contact for Jeremy. I worked with him some and I know that he would be a good back up to have on my side.

"Germane had a few of his members pay a visit to Jeremy recently. It was quick. It looked like they roughed him up a bit and left. I think that would mean they are no longer in business together. That would make a lot of Jeremy's other contacts remove themselves from further business with him as well." Julian explained with a sly smile.

"Germane is a strong player. I think we should bring him down here and see if he might be interested in working with us. If we have him on our side we might have some more doors open up." I smiled back at Julian.

"I'll get you his information." Julian nodded.

"Boss," I turned to see the prospect standing there with Miley behind him.

"You are excused." I said gesturing for him to leave.

"Nice place you have here." Miley said as she looked around.

"Thanks," I nodded.

"I should have that in an hour or two." Julian said walking back over to me.

"Julian, this is Miley. We will be working with her and her team on this. You are to correspond with her team. The more people we have on deck, the better." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Miley." Julian said shaking her hand.

"You as well." She nodded.

"I will have the prospect send for your team and Julian will work with them on the media side of things." I said walking out of the room. Miley followed behind.

"And what will we be working on?" She asked as she walked next to me.

"We just need to touch base about a few things." I said raising my eyes.

"I don't think I will be receiving a call from Denver until next week. I can try to reach out to him but that will be risky." She said.

"I think we can wait until he calls. For now we need to compare our other contacts and see what our strategy will look like on the inside. Like I said before, I have some contacts that owe me. I plan on using that to our advantage." I clarified.

"That is both smart and understandable." She agreed.

We walked silently to my office which was on the top floor of the mansion. It was odd working with her. I enjoyed it but it was still odd.

"This is my office," I said walking inside.

"Nice," she nodded as she followed me to my desk.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" I asked.

"Yes," she said sitting down. I walked around to the opposite side and sat down in my chair.

"I want to apologize about Chase and Lauren." I said after folding my hands on my desk. "I grew up with the both of them and there was a time when Lauren and I were in love. At least, I think there was a time. It's been a rough few years and I have changed a lot. I'm sure Lauren said some stuff about me. I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about me or my past. I just wanted to apologize for their outburst and how they treated you. I wasn't there for the whole thing but I know how they are." I sighed.

"Last night was interesting. I may have insulted Lauren and I am sorry for that. I do think that you should be careful what kind of people you let into your life. But, that is none of my business. I just need to know that you are in this 110% because last night with the things I saw and heard, I don't really know. And, I don't really know you aside from what you can read in a file." Miley said leaning back into her chair. I was not amused with what she was saying but I knew that it was the truth.

"Last night was messy and I think that my personal life has been splashed around enough. I am in this and I want Derek gone. I am tired of people challenging me. I'm in this and that is all you need to know." I said. I didn't want to talk about my problems anymore.

"Okay, glad to know that we are on the same page." Miley nodded.

"Well, now that you have met Julian and you know who your team is working with. I think the media aspect is in good hands. You will talk with Fringe, who is my strategy analyzer and my weapons expert later. I have him bringing in a few of his friends. He will probably love you and your products." I said grabbing a file from the drawer next to my desk.

"Wow, you have a media team and a strategy team. What else do you have?" Miley raising her eye brows at me.

"I also have a combat training team and another tech team." I said clearing my throat. "The combat training team is led by Bear and Florence leads when Bear is out of town. My tech team is different than my media team. The media takes care of unseen problems so they are more behind the scenes trackers. The tech team is on the ground so they travel and even go around town for me. They also fix things around my central base and my other locations so they are more disbursed and not really in one place at the same time. That team is led by Mira." I explained.

"Damn," Miley laughed. "You sure have your shit together." She nodded.

"Yeah, well if you haven't noticed I don't like to waste time or fuck around." I cleared my throat.

"Well, here is a list of all my contacts." Miley said handing me a piece of paper from her back pocket. "I thought this might come in handy for you. The only contact I have with my father is Denver."

"While we wait for Denver to get in contact with you I will set you up with Fringe so you can start working on some strategies with him. I have some more crew that will start showing up soon so it is about to become a crazy house." I sighed standing to my feet.

"Just let me know if you need anything then. I am sure that you have some contacts to get in touch with." Miley said as she walked towards the door. I opened it for her.

"Prospect," I said as I saw him waiting outside my door.

"Julian sent me to give you this." He handed me a paper.

"Take Miley down to Fringe." I said to him.

"Yes boss." He nodded.

"Let me know if you need anything." I said to Miley as she followed the prospect.

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