Chapter Fifty-Two

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Jason's p.o.v

I ran the bath for Miley and notice that her mood began to soften. She watched me closely as I prepared everything for her. Miley's eyes never leaving me, not even once. I didn't mind. I knew that I wanted to make her feel special. I wanted to make her feel important and loved.

I wasn't sure what was going to happening on this journey with us, but I knew that we now have a family. It was a family, and is, the family that I have always wanted and even needed. I guess I just never knew how much I wanted and needed it until Miley came into my life.

I remember it like it was yesterday—the first time we met. I was skeptical about meeting with her, and at the time I didn't know that she was even a woman. All I knew is that I had a new contact that might become potentially helpful in my business endeavors.

It was dark outside and there were trees surrounding us and the abandoned building. I remember walking towards her and seeing her for the first time, I was taken back. Once my eyes landed on her I felt vulnerability hit me. I was scared to say the least. I wasn't sure what to think or expect when she started talking. All I knew is that I was overwhelmed by her.

I new that I had to remain strong and continue to appear to be the running alpha. I had to appear to be un-phased by her. Maybe it looked easy and maybe I had everyone fooled, but on the inside I was freaking out. I felt like a teenager whom just discovered how to masturbate for the first time.

Miley's grace, beauty, and whit surprised me and pulled me out of the bad boy trace I was in. I suddenly felt like a little puppy dog whom couldn't keep his tongue in his mouth.

It was Miley's eyes that took me to another planet. Anytime I looked into her eyes: I felt lost but I wasn't lost—I felt like the world had just fallen into my arms.

The way her mouth moved when she spoke is what took me over the edge. It wasn't just the sound of her voice that had me on my knees, it was her lips. Anytime I look at them, even now, I want them all to myself.

I know she is mine. I trust her. When she looks at me, I see nothing but love in her eyes, and I suppose that is what surprises me. I never imagined meeting and falling in love with someone whom felt the same, if not more, about me.

The things that have occurred since the first day I met her have been nothing sort of an experience. Its an experience that I never want to forget or lose. It's also an experience that I wouldn't change if my life depended on it.

If you were to ask me if I ever thought that I would find myself in a situation such as this; the answer would be no. I never imagined this kind of life for myself. I never would have imagined that I would get a breath taking girl, such as Miley, to fall in love with me but I did.

"There are not enough adjectives in the world to describe how I feel about you." I said grabbing her hand and tugging her into my arms. She collapsed willingly as her head fell onto my shoulder.

"Jason," Miley whispered softly as her voice broke.

"Sh, I know." I said soothing her. "You don't have to say a word." I said before placing a soft kiss on the base of her neck.

"I love you," she whispered before releasing a sweet-soft moan.

"and I love you." I whispered back. I tighten my grip around her small frame making sure that she knew I was serious, and that she new that she was safe.

I helped her remove the remaining clothes she had on her body before she climbed into the tub. I washed her hair and she began to relax into the bubble bath I had drawn. She even released a few moans as I massaged her scalp. After a while I began to wash off her body, and I made sure to massage every inch of her body. She didn't mind and neither did I. 

We didn't say a word to each other. Mostly because we didn't have to say anything. I knew what she was thinking, and she knew what I was thinking. Nothing could come between this moment of any of our moments. I wouldn't let anyone or anything and I knew that she felt the same.

In this time, we have together, I can only feel and think nothing but love and that is something that I don't want to be interrupted, and I don't want that thinking and feeling to end. Knowing that we both feel that same about that and each other; I am beginning to notice that fear subsiding. Now it is only time that is against us.

"We should probably go spend time with our children." Miley said after I had helped her out of the bath. We were a family now and it was hard but sweet to remember that there are more than just two of us.

I dried her off and gave her a pair of my boxers to wear, and a clean t-shirt since she still didn't have any of her own clothes. Not that I mind her wearing my clothes. Hell, I don't even think she minds.

"You're right." I said grabbing her hand in mine. I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of her hand.

"Let's go spend time with our family." I said pulling her in for another tight hug. It was as if I couldn't get enough of them, especially from her.

A smile was displayed brightly on her face and mine held the same.

(I'm starting to wrap things up :( I will be going through and editing old chapters to make sure that I haven't forgotten about anything. If you have something that you would like to see happen before the story ends just let me know. I love you all and I am so happy that you guys are enjoying this story. xoxo)

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