Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jason's p.o.v

"Where are you?" She screamed out for me. "Jason!" Her voice cracking.

I found myself in a dark hallway that seemed to go on forever. Where was she? I needed to find her...I needed her. My heart was racing as if at any moment it would burst.

"I need you," she screamed out. I could hear her voice cracking even more she was horse from screaming for me. Terror filled my body as I tried to run faster.

"I'm coming!" I shouted as her cries continued to get louder. I felt that I was getting closer but yet I felt so far away.

"Oh Jason," A man laughed appearing out of nowhere. He was standing in front of two large doors.

It was still dark and I had no idea what was happening. I felt myself freeze in place unable to say anything.

"You really thought it would be that easy?" He chuckled as the light slowly filled the room.


"Miley doesn't want you." He smirked. "And it looks like I may have found your weakness." He smirked.

"You killed my girl, your own sister," Denver smeared stepping out from behind Maximus.

"What" I started. I was being ambushed...?

"Don't." Jeremy said standing off to the side with Derek smiling next to him.

"Did you really think that I would let you just take my territory?" Jeremy smiled as a chuckle left Derek's lips.

"Introducing Miley to you was all a part of the big plan that I made with Derek." He smiled sinisterly.

I was frozen. Unmovable. Broken. I knew I would never see her again.

"You were naive to think that this would end so easily." Denver smiled.

"Don't do this," I spoke as my voice croaked.

"It's not our fault she is your weakness." Maximus smiled.

"She is your own flesh and blood!" I shouted.

"That makes this even more fun." He chuckled.

"You're sick," I spat.

"Says the man who killed his own sister." Denver smiled.

"No, no I didn't." I shook my head while a smile spread across my face.

"She is alive." I glared at him. "But, you will never find her." I chuckled.

"Oh, I'll get the truth out of you." He said walking towards me. He could kill me if he wanted too, but I would never tell.

"You can try," I shrugged. "I don't have anything else,"

"Well, we can use Miley to get the truth out of you. After all, she is your weakness." Denver laughed stepping closer towards me as a sudden cry erupted from close by.

I knew this wasn't going to end well.


"Jason," Miley shouted shaking my arm.

"What," I sat up pushing her away from me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked, her face held fear for me. I stood up from the bed and noticed I was covered in sweat.

"I'm fine," I shrugged walking into the bathroom and getting in the shower.

It was just a dream-nightmare but it felt so real. I can't let any of that happen; I need to get rid of her. I need to forget all about her.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Miley asked walking back into the bathroom after I was done showering.

"I'm fine," I snapped.

"You're all tense. Did you have a bad dream? Do you want to talk about it?" She asked walking over to me. She was worried for me. I felt my heart breaking within me. I knew what I had to do even if I hated the thought.

"Leave me alone." I snapped raising my voice at her.

"Jason," she started again her voice now shaky.

"Get the fuck out!" I snarled looking at her. The second I looked at her face I knew I had made a mistake but I couldn't back down now.

"What's your problem?" She huffed.

"I want you out of my house. Get your shit and leave. Get off my property." I screamed. I turned my back to her before I could see her reaction. I wasn't man enough to handle her expressions.

"Are you being serious with me?" She asked again as if this couldn't be true.

"You were just a fuck, a good fuck. It didn't mean anything." I said as I got dressed. "I don't want you here anymore." I chuckled.

"You're just some pathetic useless slut that I don't want to look at anymore." I smirked as I looked at her.

"Okay," she said with a nod. I watched as she grabbed the things she brought in here the other night and walked out.

I know this was a mistake but she was becoming my weakness and I can't let that happen. I can't have a weakness. I can't have anything of value. I can't have her. I was naive enough to think that it would work out between us. It never would. I was smart to push her out before it got to bad.

As the door to my room shut emotions flooded within me. These emotions were none that I had ever felt before. I didn't want this; I didn't want to just let her walk away. I knew that dream wasn't going to come true but letting her go now before it was too late was the best thing to do.

I was falling for her. I was falling in love with her. Weather that came true or not I couldn't let her into my world. I promised myself I would never bring anyone into the environment that surrounded me because the only way out was death.

okay. I am extremely sorry that I have not updated in a few weeks....I basically live in hell right now, so, that's my life. I hope you guys are fantastic!!!! enjoy this random picture of a really deep quote, I don't have pics of JB or MC on my phone atm. Anyways, this has been longer then expected. thoughts on this twisted chapter? xoxo

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