Chapter Four

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Miley's p.o.v

Waiting. It has been three days and I hadn't heard from Jeremy or from Lewis. I was becoming restless. Things needed to move along already! I was practically wasting my time here and I was becoming pissed off in the process.

I ran through the woods as if someone was chasing me. My mind was finally at peace, even though it wasn't going to last for long. I needed to maintain my fitness especially in a time like this. Who knows what would happen in the next few months. DJ had me on a strict training schedule and it wasn't just me that was training. Chuck, Lou, and Jon were in the same boat with me. I quickly looped back to the house so that way I could wrap up my workout.

"How was your run?" DJ greeted once he saw me emerge from the woods. I ran closer towards him before answering.

"Good," I answered breathing heavily.

"Well, stretch out your muscles and you're done." He said turning to walk back into the house.

I did as he said before walking inside the house. I quickly went upstairs to shower off, I was covered in sweat and I felt disgusting. I quickly put on some jeans and a crop top before walking downstairs.

"Hey bitch!" Someone shouted from behind me. I quickly turned around to see if it was who I thought it was and it was.

"Megan!" I shouted running towards her. I engulfed her into a tight hug. I hadn't seen her in a few months and it was rare when I did see her.

"I missed you," She sing-sang.

"I miss you!" I said as I continued to hug her.

"Why are you here? How did you get here?" I asked after pulling away.

"Wow, calm the fuck down." She laughed walking into the living room. I quickly followed and plopped down on the couch next to her.

"Lewis said that you might need my help here. Considering I was done with things in Spain, I flew here as I quick as I could. It has been a while since we worked together, let alone seen each other."

"You can say that again!" I laughed. I smiled at her. She had been one of my closet friends for a long time. I was so grateful to have her in my life.

"So how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. I don't really want to be in Canada but you know the drill." I rolled my eyes. I hated Canada. It wasn't my first time here and it wasn't a fun place. I was more of a city girl.

"Yeah, but at least I am here to help." She smiled cockily.

"Very true." I laughed along with her.

"Hey boss, we have company." Lou said walking into the kitchen. The tone wasn't quite pleasant and I wasn't sure about how that made me feel. I quickly stood to my feet and followed Lou to the front of the house and out the front door. DJ, Jon and Chuck stood there looking into the driveway.

As soon as my eyes adjust to the sun, my eyes landed on a man leaning against his car. And it wasn't just any man.

"Who is that?" Megan whispered to Lou.

"Jason." He whispered back to her.

"I think we need to talk." Jason said looking up at me. "Alone." He said referring to the fact that my whole team was standing on the porch looking at him.

"Excuse us," I said turning to look at them. They began to walk into the house, Jon gave me a concerning look before he shut the front door.

I walked down the steps and closer to Jason, whom was still leaning against his car. He was eye catching and seeing him in the light made me see why all the girls flocked around him. He wasn't bad looking, at all.

"What can I do for you, Jason?" I asked folding my arms against my chest.

"Don't give me that tone." He spoke harshly. This was the first time that I was alone with him and it wasn't off to a good start. He had a short temper but so did I.

"You are on my property." I stated. I was standing my ground.

"This is still my territory and I will be respected." He growled lowly. Control issues much?

"Okay," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me." He snapped. He grabbed my arm and threw me against his car. It hurt. I was well trained and I could take him but that would only make matters worse so I let it go.

"Not only is it disrespectful and rude, it is also not lady like at all." He barked at me. His face was closer than I wanted it to be and his hot breathe blew into my face. None of this looked pleasant and it didn't feel pleasant either.

"Back off." I snapped pushing him back. I wasn't under his control and I didn't have to take orders from a sexist pig like him. Pushing him off only made matters worse. He stepped forward and I dodged him.

"I can go round and round with you, Jason. Don't challenge me." I spat.

"I will be respected." He retorted anger dripped from his mouth.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes again.

"Fucking apologize." He barked. His temper becoming less controlled by the second. He was like a pit-bull. He was nice looking but if you did something he didn't like, he'd snap.

"I'm sorry." I said looking at him.

"Good," He snapped. His temper had slowly started to cool off.

"Why did you come here?" I asked. I was getting tired of his controlling game.

"Well," He started with a soft chuckle. He walked closer to where I was standing. "Something isn't quite adding up here." He shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked. His mood totally fucking shifted.

"You and your gang are still here. Not to mention that one of your friends just arrived here today. Don't you find that a little strange? I do." He chuckled.

"I'm confused here." I laughed. I wasn't in the mood to walk on egg shells with him. I was here to do a job, obviously one that Jeremy couldn't handle.

"If you just came to Canada to meet a new client and sell product, then why are you still here three days later?" He asked mischievously.

"I'm not sure that I'm catching on." I lied. I knew what he was getting too. I couldn't say much, this wasn't my job. Jeremy should have told him already.

"You are lying." He retorted. "Tell me why you are really here." He said. It wasn't a question, it was a demand.

"I think you should call Jeremy." I stated and crossed my arms.

"That's what I thought." He chuckled and shook his head.

He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed, what I am assuming is, Jeremy's number.

"Jeremy," Jason said calmly.

"I think you need to come down to Miley's house, now." Jason barked into the phone. His mood wasn't pleasant and I understood why.

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