Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jason's p.o.v
We were now sitting in the conference room. Greggory, Fringe, Bear, and Sam all sat with me waiting for the phone to ring. Once it finally did we put it on speaker.

"Greggory, Fringe, Bear, Sam and I are here." I said answering the phone.

"As I talked some with Jason earlier, we will be meeting with Maximus." Lewis started clearing his throat. It was clear that he didn't want to waste any time. I could help but hope to hear Miley's voice.

"I will be on a plane heading your way in tonight." Greggory said. I looked over at him and glared. He had not mentioned this to me at all, and if he had I would have agreed and went with.

"When is the meet set with Maximus." I asked as I was still glaring at Greggory.

"Next weekend," Miley answered. Her voice sent chills throughout my body and I didn't even know what to say anymore. I felt froze as images of her restored from my memory.

"Who all will be there?" Sam asked after a long moment of silence. She knew what I wanted to know, and since I was now unable to talk, she asked for me.

"Sam, it's nice to hear your voice." Lewis said.

"Yours as well, uncle Lewis." She smiled as if he could see her.

"We know for sure that Maximus and Derek will be there. I have yet to hear back from about Denver. I have sent contact to an old client of Jeremy's and he passed on the message to them." Miley said.

"Are we wanting to meet with them too?" Greggory asked.

"Yes and No. At this point we don't know where they stand on this. I would like to know what side they are on." Miley answered. I enjoyed hearing her voice but I would really enjoy seeing her face, in person.

"I can try," Sam said. She was hopeful and had expressed to me, multiple times, that she wanted to see and talk with Denver.

"No," Miley said before I had the chance.

"Excuse me?" Sam snapped. Sam never like being told what to do and I don't think she was found of Miley considering the history she shares with Denver and the fling she and I had.

"Look, this isn't your war and the only person I want there is Greggory because he knows my dad. Jason is insisting he be involved and I am not in the fucking mood to argue with you guys. This is my plan and its my way or the fucking highway." Miley retorted obviously pissed that Sam was challenging her.

"Don't you talk to my sister like that!" I snapped. I knew I shouldn't have said that but I wasn't going to sit here like a little bitch.

"Oh fuck off Jason," Miley retorted. "I don't fuck care who she is too you. This is my plan not yours or hers. I get that Denver and Sam have history but right now if he finds out she is still alive; he will fucking freak the fuck out." Miley reasoned. I didn't like the way she had been speaking to me but I knew I deserved it, nonetheless.

"She is right," Greggory said. She was right; we all knew that.

"I fucking know." Miley snapped.

"I want to see him," Sam sighed. She didn't want to give up.

"Alright and if your douche bag brother agrees then you can be at the meet. If anything that is the best way for him to find out. Him freaking out in front of Maximus will sway him on to our side." Miley said with a sigh.

"Aren't you a manipulative little bitch." Sam laughed.

"Yeah and it gets things done." She sneered.

"Moving on," Lewis said raising his voice.

"Once I hear back from them I will let you know." Miley said. "The location will be decided soon."

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