Chapter Fifty-One

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Miley's p.o.v

After the plane took off and the kids calmed down, I was finally able to breath. I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to breath again. Now that the things around me were calm, I was able to calm down myself.

"Hey," Jason said before sitting down next to me.

"Hi," I said softly as I looked up at him. His eyes starred softly back at me and I suddenly felt overwhelmed by him.

"I know this has been hard." He said as he let out a sharp breath.

"Yeah, you can say that again." I sighed.

"At least we can look at the bright side of things, the kids are with us now and they are safe. I want you to know that it will stay that way. I have every intention of taking care of all three of you. You have nothing to worry about." He smiled thoughtfully. I could tell that he was trying to be careful and gentle with me and I was grateful for that.

"Jason," I spoke softly. If I am honest, I don't even know what to say to him.

"Please," he shook his head. "Don't say anything. Just give me a chance. Trust me. Let me prove you and everyone wrong. Let me in. I am not going to hurt you or the kids. I want to be in your life and I want to be in theirs. Just let me have a chance. Can you do that?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes, I can." I said with a soft smile.

"So, you will be mine? For real this time?" He asked before grabbing my hand.

"Yeah," I said as a smile spread across my face. One that I couldn't, nor wouldn't, control. The things that he does to me.

"I won't let you down." He smiled.

"I know." I smiled back before looking deep into his eyes. "I have so much faith in you. I believe in you. You have always amazed me, even when you are being an asshole." I laughed.

"This was going so well." He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed. I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine. I didn't stop him and I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him more than he was aware, and more than I was aware. I didn't even know how much I had missed him until this moment.

All of the feelings, and things, that I had felt for him, in the past, came rushing back into this moment and I didn't know what to say other than to kiss him more. I wanted him all over me. He was my everything and the feelings I have for him are more than I will ever be able to control.

I have never had any control when it came to him, and, if I can be honest, I don't think that I want control with him. I just want him. I want him all around me. I want him surrounding me. When it comes to him, words don't make sense but he does. I don't want to change that.

He slowly removed his lips from mine and I wanted them back once I knew that they were gone.

"I missed you." I mumbled as my head fell onto his shoulder.

"I missed you." He said before kissing my head.

"I want you to know that it wasn't easy for me to just leave you. I wanted you—more than you will ever be aware of. After the deal was made, I just needed to breath. I had to leave. Once I found out I was pregnant...I didn't know what to do. I never meant to hurt you and I am so sorry for doing so." I said looking into his eyes. I held his face in my hands and moved closer to him.

"I know," his whispered. "I forgive you." He placed his arms around me and pulled me into his lap.

"I want you to know that I am sorry for everything that I said and did." He said letting out a sharp breath. "I never meant to hurt you. I thought if I pushed you away, I would keep you safe. I was wrong, of course." He shook his head.

"We messed up." I shook my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his forehead. "But, that is the past. I am willing to keep it in the past if you are." I smiled and looked down at him.

"I am." He smiled up at me.

"I don't know what is next for us, but I know that I am ready for anything. I mean, we got through all that shit and we have children. I don't want to force anything but I am interested in working things out." I tried to explain what I was feeling on the inside. I know that it is not the best words or thoughts, but it is something...and it's the truth.

"I don't want to work things out just because we have children. I actually want to be with you, because I love you." Jason said running his fingers through his hair.

"I feel the same way." I said looking deeper into his eyes.


I woke up the next day and found that I wasn't on the plane anymore. I was in a bed, a big bed to be more exact.

"Morning," Jason said walking out of what I am assuming is the bathroom with only a towel on. Fuck.

"Morning," I said sitting up. I found that I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"The kids are in the next room sleeping soundly. I checked on them before I got a shower." He said clearing his throat.

"Oh," I said looking back at his eyes and then away again. "Good." I said sitting up.

"You want to get a bath or something?" Jason asked walking towards the bed.

"Yeah, I probably need one." I said getting up. I looked down at my attire and saw that I was wearing one of, what I am assuming is, Jason's shirt and a pair of underwear.

"Did you enjoy undressing me?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well, do you enjoy starring at my body while I'm wearing this towel?" He asked with a smirk.

I shrugged and walked towards the bathroom.

"Let me run the bath for you." Jason said matching my steps.

"I think I am capable of doing that myself." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm trying to do something nice. Just let me, okay?" He turned to look at me.

"Okay," I nodded with a soft smile.

I watched as he ran a bath for me and I found myself amazed and completely in love with him. I never knew that I could feel this way for anyone, but here we are.

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