Chapter Fourteen

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Miley's p.o.v

"Denver," his name left my mouth faster than I could react. Damn has he changed. He was covered with more tattoos then I remembered, and that made him look tougher.

Suddenly my senses came back and I began to wonder why he was here. Questions swarmed my mind and my words began to fail me.

"Can we talk in private?" He asked looking around at the people who were now starring at us. I turned to see my whole gang was there, and Greggory was still watching along with Fringe and Jason. Jason's face held anger I haven't seen before. I could see that something was really wrong with this picture in general.

"There will be no talking in private when you are in my territory. I call the shots around here." Jason said through his gritted teeth. He walked closer to me watching Denver intensely. He looked like he was about to snap at someone, anyone.

"Maybe this is a conversation that Denver, you, and I need to have privately." I said lowly. Jason's head angrily whipped around to look at me. Anger was dripping off his face as his eyes vigorously burned through me. I felt the need to go and hide in a corner but I couldn't cower at the sight of Jason. I pushed my shoulders back and stared back at him making sure he knew that I wasn't going to back down.

"Fine," Jason snapped and started walking away.

I followed closely behind Jason as I was trying to understand what Denver was doing here. Something wasn't right. We were now in a small conference room that was away from the crowd of people. Jason sat down in one of the office chairs and watched Denver intensely. He once said that they used to be close. If that was the case why was he acting so cold now?

"What are you doing here and why did you just randomly show up here?" Jason asked tilting his head to the side and folding his hands in front of him.

"I came as a friend to warn you." Denver said looking at Jason. I stood with my arms crossed to the side so I could see both of them.

"As a friend?" Jason chuckled. "That sounds more like a threat." He shook his head.

"It's not." Denver shook his head.

"Do they know you are here?" Jason asked.

"I don't know and I hope they don't." He sighed.

"What happened?" I asked. Jason looked at me with anger steaming off him as if to say shut up. I stared at him then looked back at Denver.

"When Derek arrived he started eyeing me closely. I didn't have a good vibe when I was around him. He then started to call me out and second guess me in front of Maximus. It wasn't good. Derek slowly became Maximus' right hand man. Derek began to take over and call the shots for Maximus. He also made it clear that he didn't like me. I had a bad feeling that he was dirtying me up to Maximus and I didn't like that." He stopped and ran his fingers through his rustled black hair.

"One night we were on the ship yard picking up a special shipment from a not so trustworthy client. Next thing I know I am alone with Derek and the client, and Derek shot me. I blacked out and when I woke up I was in the ship yard with a bullet in my stomach. The only thing I knew to do was to come here." Denver sighed.

"I know what it looks like and you don't have to believe me." He said looking back at Jason. "I just wanted to warn you that they are after more than just territory. They are after Miley, blood, territory, and vengeance. Derek knows what you did to his father. He wants his name back on the map. Maximus wants Miley back for no reason other than the weapons." He explained.

Jason face grew angrier and angrier.

"Where are you going now?" I asked Denver.

"I'm not sure yet." He asked looking at me.

"You can stay here for the night. We can talk more about this tomorrow." Jason said getting up. He called in the prospect from earlier.

"Give him a room, and a change of clothes. And make sure he gets some food." Jason commanded. Denver nodded at Jason before following the prospect out of the room.

"I don't know if we can trust him or not." Jason said after they left.

"Is there any way you can check to see if his story is real?" I asked.

"I can try." He shook his head. "That still doesn't mean we can trust him."

"I want to keep him at a distance for now. I don't want you talking to him about what we are up too. I will also be keeping a close eye on him. Thank god I have surveillance in this house."

"You don't have that in the rooms do you?" I asked.

"No, that would be too far." He shook his head.

"Good," I nodded.

"Why?" He asked.

"I might go talk to Denver, alone." I said walking out of the room.

Though I had no idea what room Denver was in, I decided go to the kitchen and wait for the prospect to arrive.

"Miley," Fringe nodded when I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Looking for someone?" He asked.

"The prospect." I said looking around.

"He placed an order for Denver. I think he will be back in a few to pick it up." He said looking intensely at me.

"What?" I asked.

"How long have you known Denver?" He asked.

"A long time." I sighed.

"I assume that is why you are looking for the prospect." He shrugged.

"Yes," I answered.

"Be careful." He said walking out of the kitchen.

Fringe was odd but I knew that his advice was within good reason. As soon as Fringe was out of sight, the prospect came back. I stayed silent and followed him up to Denver's room.


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