Chapter Three

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Miley's p.o.v

It was just business yet I was intrigued by him. I tried not to let his gaze affect me, but the ways his eyes had bore into me was hard to avoid. Throughout the whole meeting we stared, off and on, at each other. His eyes pierced through me as if he was reading my deepest darkest secrets. It made the whole meeting a bit challenging but I wasn't going to back down.

He wore a leather jacket and dark wash jeans with a white t-shirt underneath his jacket. He looked tough and I knew that he could easily take out a few of my guys if he wanted too. I wouldn't state that I was scared of him because I wasn't. I was challenged.

I watched as Jason walked out of the warehouse, his men following close behind him.

"Thank you," Jeremy spoke up after the guys left. He was sincere in his words and hell, he ought to be in this situation.

"No problem." I smiled.

He nodded. "Jason, well, he isn't so happy about women in this line of duty." Jeremy started, as if I didn't notice.

"Would sexist be a better term?" I retorted with a roll of my eyes. All of my clients felt like that when they first bought from me, but they all came back...they always do.

"Yes, that would be the term." Jeremy chuckled.

"I couldn't tell." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm hoping that he will ask for more products. Then maybe he will see you as an asset. He will need you, he just doesn't know it yet." Jeremy reasoned. Touching lightly on the issue.

"In the meantime, I have settled down here. Who knows how long this may take." I said looking at him. "I have clients that are understanding of my current situations. I may even have some contacts that might help us out, if it comes down to it." I explained.

"I also have a few contacts myself, but my first priority is getting Jason on board. This does revolve around him, and he will be completely pissed off if he doesn't find out soon enough. We just need to be careful." Jeremy sighed.

"Well, I am not here to walk on egg shells, for you or Jason. I said I would go slowly and I will, but this is still a job. Excuse me for not giving two shits how Jason fills about the matter at hand. You can tell him however you see fit. Just remember that it is your job and not mine." I said. I wasn't afraid to stand up for myself and push Jeremy, especially when he needed it. He was acting like a baby, he knew his job and he needed to do it.

"I know, I just don't want to blind side him." He sighed. "Well, call me if you need anything." He spoke before turning on his heal to leave.

"Same to you," I nodded back as I watched him walk out. I hope he got the message and that he would tell Jason before things get worse.

I walked out of the warehouse and got into my car. All I could do was think about how this was all panning out. Jeremy wasn't planning this out right, Jason would figure it out soon enough. He wasn't stupid and I wasn't about to put on an act, that wasn't my job. I'm just here to do a job, to get paid, and maybe make more allies.

"That was interesting." Chuck spoke up from the backseat once we were on the highway.

"It sure was." Lou laughed, from the back.

"He seems a bit odd if you ask me." DJ said from the back of the van.

"Maybe so, but it's a job." Jon said as he drove steadily down the road.

"Jon's right." I cleared my throat.

"We were asked to do this for a reason. This is a job and we need to act professionally. Sadly, it seems we will be the only professionals working this." I reasoned. Thinking about Jeremy again. Don't get me wrong, Jeremy was a smart and willing guy he just wasn't my choice as a lead on this. I was starting to worry that I would have to pick up his slack.

"You actually want to continue?" Lou asked. Surprised that I wanted to be further involved. I know that I had somewhat of a choice, but this was important. Lewis requested my presences on this for a reason. I up rooted my life in New York and moved to fucking Canada.

"She is interested." Chuck answered for me. He was right, I was. I wanted to see where this was going to lead too.

"At this point, our goal is to keep him interested." I said ignoring their comments.

"Him, as in, Jason?" Lou asked.

"Yes," I nodded. "Once he is aware of what is going on, it might take him a little while to get on board. In the meantime, let's try to become friends with him and his gang?" I said rhetorically.

"Alright, but please remember to stay clear of him. He is only after boning women, and the looks you kept giving each other were filled with sexual tension." Jon spoke up. He was the logical and caring one in the group. I found myself surprised by his comment. I didn't think there was anything sexual about how things went today.

"Jon is right, I was pretty uncomfortable and I am sure his gang felt the same." DJ laughed.

"Personally, I didn't feel any sexual tension." I said rolling my eyes. I know that we were staring at each other, but I didn't feel there was any sexual tension.

"Then again, you weren't looking at it from an outsider. I agree with Jon, there was something weird going on." Chuck gave his two cents on the matter.

"I can assure you all, there will be nothing sexual going on with Jason and me. I am not interested in him, this is just a job." I said so they would drop it.

"Okay, boss. You don't need to assure need to assure yourself." Chuck retorted. I started to grow angry.

"Be careful, Miley. We will be working closely to him and I wouldn't want to see you get hurt." Jon said looking at me then back at the road.

"Okay," I said shaking it off. The rest of them noticed that I was done with the conversation.

I had just officially met the guy. Why were they so dead set that there was something sexual going on between Jason and me already? We were all prepared on what we were dealing with when it came to Jason. DJ gave us all a nice file on Jason and his life. I surely wasn't interested in someone who has slept with as many women as he had. This was a job and I was always completely professional when it came to things like this.

Now, we waited for the next move.

SenselessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora