Chapter Forty-Eight

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Jason's p.o.v

"Hey Jason," Fringe said walking into the bedroom Miley and I were in.

"Yeah?" I asked looking over at him.

Miley was sleeping soundly in my arms. Her body was on top of mine and her legs were in-between mine. I didn't want to wake her but I didn't want to leave her either.

"Maximus is scheduling a sit down conversation with the Kisses." He said quietly after noticing Miley was sleeping.

"Okay, let me know when it's set." I nodded.

"Of course," Fringe nodded before leaving the room again.

I didn't want Miley to wake up. I wanted to see the bags under her eyes dissolve. I wanted to take all her pain away. I wanted to hold her close—close enough for her to hear my heart beat, and for me to hear hers. I wanted to make sure that she was safe. And she was safest when she was asleep and when she was in my arms. Nothing could touch her because I wouldn't let anything or anyone touch her. Not now and not ever.

"Jason," she stirred as her eyes fluttered open.

"Miley," I said. I moved the hair out of her face and kissed the top of her head.

"What is happening?" She asked looking up into my eyes. Her eyes were still heavy and the dark bags were still visible under her eyes. Seeing her like this only pained me more.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head. I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand. "They are scheduling a meeting with the Kisses." I said looking deep into her eyes.

"Oh," she breathed as her eyes held fear. I know that she wanted so desperately to be strong and I don't think that she realized that she was strong; the strongest women that I have ever met.

"You okay?" I asked rubbing her back soothingly.

"Yeah," she nodded. She folded her hands on my chest and placed her chin on top looking up at me.

"If you need anything just let me know." I said pushing her hair behind her ear.

"The same goes for you." She smiled softly. I could tell that everything that was happening was bringing her spirit down.

"We should head out there to see what is going on." I said with a sharp sigh.

"I don't think I can face them, or anyone right now." She said getting up off of the bed.

"You can stay in here if you want. Take a nap or get a shower. I can take care of this." I said getting off of the bed and walking towards her.

"No, I can't do that to you." She shook her head with a sharp sigh.

"Miley, you have been through enough the past 24 hours. Let me handle this. Trust me." I said walking towards her. I grabbed her hands in mine and pulled her towards me.

"I just don't want you to go through this alone." She shook her head and looked away from me.

"Miley, I'm fine. I know what I am doing. It's the least that I can do for you after everything that you have gone through. Anyways, its not like I am alone. I basically have an army of people on my side. All I am saying is that you can relax while I handle the situation." I said

"I just-"

"Don't," I said pulling her into my arms. I swiftly wrapped my arms tightly around her. "Let me do this for you." I said kissing the top of her head. "Let me take the stress from you." I said taking in a sharp deep breath.

"Okay," she said collapsing in my arms.

"You lay down." I said walking her back to the bed. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I said as I helped lay her down in the bed.

"Okay," she mumbled as I covered her up.

I swiftly walked out of the room and into the living room where everyone was gathered around talking about what was going on. I could sense that there was some tension and confusion in the room.

"Jason," Maximus said as he walked over to me.

"Any news?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest.

"We have a meeting set for this evening. Grant set the time and place." He said with a sharp sigh.

"What do we expect to happen?" I asked.

"I expect them to return the twins. If not, I use my leverage and blow their business to the ground." Maximus said looking at me with a smirk. "I want them to return the twins but I also want to blow their business to the ground." He chuckled.

"Let's just hope that no matter what we get the twins back tonight." I said letting out the breath I had been holding since I left Miley.

"Oh, we will." Maximus assured me with a nod.

"What is the plan?" I asked as Fringe walked over.

"Well, we all are going to be there. Fringe, you, Miley and I—everywhere." He said looking up at Fringe.

"Is she up for it?" Fringe asked referring to Miley.

"I think she will be." I nodded.

"Okay," Maximus said. "As long as we have everything in play then we will be good." He sighed.

"I think the biggest thing is making sure Miley is there and that she is safe. She was the original target after all and we have to make sure our security is on point in order to remain strong." Fringe said looking knowingly at me. I could tell that he felt bad for Miley.

"Jason," Miley's voice erupted from behind me.

"Yes," I said turning around to face her. She walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Is everything okay?" She asked looking at me and then Fringe and Maximus.

"Yes," Maximus nodded. "We were just going over the plan for tonight." Maximus smiled.

"We feel quite confident that the twins will safely be in your arms by the end of the evening." He smiled.

"So what is the plan?" She asked.

"Well, we will all go to the meeting. We have to ensure that all of the lose ends our tied and that our security is tight. You were the original target so we are not sure what their plans or intentions are going into this meeting. We can only hope for the best. But, as I was telling Jason, I have leverage that could ruin everything that they built for themselves so I am not worried." Maximus explained looking at Miley with a sad expression.

"Okay," she nodded. "When do we leave?" She asked.

"In a few hours." Fringe said. "You should go get ready now. Make sure to have some type of weapon on you in case they try anything." Fringe said looking at her and then me. "We will discuss the rest of the plan in the car."

"Okay," she said. Miley let go of my hands and left the room without another word.

"Jason, you have nothing to worry about. Miley is in good hands and we aren't going to let anyone get to her." Fringe said patting my shoulder.

"You better be right." I said looking at Fringe.

(Sorry, I know it has been a while. Comment and vote. xoxo)

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