Chapter Eight

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Miley's p.o.v

"Last night's meeting was interesting." Megan said once I sat at the table with my toasted bagel.

"It was." I agreed.

"Seems there is some growing tension between you and Jason." She retorted.

"No, there is not." I defended.

"You don't need to get all defensive. If you like him, then you like him." She reasoned.

"That's not it." I sighed.

"Chuck told me what happened when you both first meet. There is something weird going on with between you both." She laughed lowly.

"I am honestly not into him." I said raising my tone.

"Calm down." She laughed at my outburst.

"I know you. I know you better than you know yourself. I know what you are telling yourself. I am only bringing it to your attention. If you and Jason hooked up it wouldn't end well." She shrugged.

"I know, and I am not trying to do anything with him. I am not even interested in him. It's just weird." I shook my head. Anytime I was around him my body wanted more of him. I was attracted to him, physically. But, anytime I heard him talk anger built up within me. I had this love-hate relationship with him, and I barely know him.

"I am just looking out for you." She reasoned with a pitiful look on her face.

"I know. Just don't pity me." I sighed.

"Sorry." She looked at her plate.

"I think he found out." I sighed. Putting my half eaten bagel down.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"He found out about the rape." I looked up at her.

"He was bound to find out. Why are you surprised?" She asked.

"I don't know. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew. I guess it was surprising because the look of sorrow flashed in his eyes, and then it went away. Anytime Chase looked at me his eyes were full of sadness." I explained.

"How uncomfortable." She sighed

"Yeah." I frowned.

"Ladies," Jon said entering the kitchen nook. I nodded in his direction and took a bite of my bagel.

"What is the topic of today's dealings?" He asked sitting down next to Megan.

"Jason," Megan smiled looking over at Jon.

"Ah. Sadly I think that might be the topic of a lot of our conversations from here on out." He sighed.

"Probably." I nodded.

"Not much to be surprised about there." He breathed.

"I have to go talk with Jason in an hour, or so." I said getting up out of my chair.

"Need some company?" Jon asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I need you all here. I need you to get in touch with Lewis' old friends, and take care of our clients back home. Make sure the shipments get delivered. Even if you have to call in some old favors." I said placing my empty dish in the sink.

"Sounds like a plan." Jon said standing to his feet.

"Be careful with Jason." Jon said before swiftly walking out of the room.

"What he said." Megan smiled before leaving after Jon.

I gathered my things and went upstairs. I got cleaned off, and got dressed. I wore black pants, black boots, and a loose black Steelers top. I grabbed a knife and tucked it into my boot. I grabbed my phone wallet and keys before leaving the house.

I drove to Jason's silently. My mind wondered about what Megan said. She was right and I needed to be careful. I didn't understand what was happening, but I was having a hard time processing everything. I pulled into Jason's driveway and parked the car.

"Miley," Jason said walking onto the porch.

"Glad to see you here." Jason nodded as I walked into the house.

"Well, we need to talk." I said.

"Let's go talk in my office." Jason said gesturing me to follow him.

We walked into his office and he shut the door behind me.

"Take a seat," he said pointing to the chair facing the desk. He quickly walked around and sat in his chair.

"So, I talked more with Lewis. I am requesting some of my extended crew to keep a closer eye on things while we prepare to figure out our first move. I also have some informers." He started after clearing his throat.

"I also have an informer." I said as I crossed my legs and placed my hands in my lap.

"Who?" He asked placing his elbows on the desk he folded his hands in front of him.

"Someone that is close to Maximus. He calls me from time-to-time to give me insight about the type of fractions Maximus is working with. This then helps me to track down the people that he is outsourcing from. He only calls about once a month, and I am never able to call him." I explained.

"Name?" He asked leaning closer.

"Denver Night," I said. "We grew up together. We are close friends." I explained.

"Denver," Jason chuckled leaning back in his chair.

"I am surprised, well, maybe not that surprised." He chuckled again. "I know him pretty well. I did some work with him back in the day. And, I think that it is safe to say that you were more than close friends. Denver isn't close friends with girls." Jason smiled while tilting my head.

"That's not the point," I shook my head.

"Okay, okay." He raised his hands in defense.

"Anyways, I also have an ally close to Maximus." Jason said raising his eye brows.

"Mayor Brown," He said leaning forward. "When I lived in the states I was called to do a job for him. Someone had raped his daughter, and he wanted that man dead. He has hired me for odd jobs ever since. And, he does favors for me in return. Like, spy on your father. I have the law enforcement in my pocket." He said with a mischievous facial expression.

"That comes in handy." I nodded.

"It does," He nodded. "On to more important news." He said clearing his throat.

"It is time to head to the central base. I can house your whole crew there and any extended members that I may need to call for. It will be safer then living on the edge of town and I will be at the central point to handle information while training and making weapons." He said standing to his feet.

"I need your crew ready to leave by tonight. I am having some members come stay here in to watch everything." He clarified.

"Okay," I said standing to my feet.

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