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Hey sorry you guys probably were hopping for an update but it's late and I just wanted to say this. Updates on this book have clearly slowed down and that's because I have been juggling two books at a time to update for you. But also although I'm pretty sure I only have like three readers, I'm just going to state that I do have another book it's called Mr. Cher. It's the backstory of Skylar Powers (from this book) I'm sure you'll find the adventure... interesting. But I didn't want it too alike to this one so... there's a little difference and before you start trying to link two  and two together they will have some major differences. Okay sorry this wasn't an update guys! But anyway if you're bored and want to talk to someone I'm here, and if you possibly want a character pm me the details and he/she just might make an appearance in my book ;) If you have an ideas for the book comment them on the chapter or pm me. And last, if you want me to check out one of your books, don't feel discouraged just tell me to read it and I will. Now for the shoutouts, (if you want me to give you a shoutout tell me and I just might) check out MissLolz100 she has two awesom
e werewolf books 1.  Third Time's a Charm and 2. It Hurts Doesn't It? Go check them out! They're awesome!  And for now, goodbye my lovelies!  ♡♥♡

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