Chapter 8

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A/N Hello guys I am back! For me it's still Wednesday... does that count? haha anyways I wrote another chapter, and please forgive me if there are grammar errors because rn it's 11.30pm which means I haven't had any sleep since 37 hours ago. So yea, updat for you and i hope you like it :) thanks for reading ^^ 

“Uhm,” Cas started. “As you know, Metatron was about to close the doors of heaven, which meant all the angels on Earth couldn’t go to heaven and all the angels in heaven couldn’t go to Earth. A lot of angels chose heaven, their home. They would stay safe there once the gates were closed.

I chose to stay on Earth, because not many angels still fancy me that much after my rebellion. And besides, my home is with you two,” he added.

Sam and Dean smiled before Cas went on. It was good to know that at least somebody trusted them enough to call it home.

“I was about to zap to you, but you were on a case so I couldn’t find you right away. I decided to wait at the bunker, when suddenly the Earth began to shake. Only the angels could feel it, it was a sign of Metatron.

Every angel had one last chance to choose heaven or Earth. I was just outside the bunker when an angel appeared in front of me. It was a stronger angel than me, and he brought me to some really dark place in the woods.

I didn’t know who the angel was, and I didn’t know where we were either. The angel then slit my throat and stole my grace, I tried to fight him but he was so strong.

He told me this was my punishment for rebelling again heaven, and every other thing I had done wrong. Once he got my grace, I didn’t feel the shaking any more.

I was cold, hungry… and human.” Cas didn’t say anything for a moment, reliving it all again.

“The angel took my phone, my grace and left me in the woods. I tried to find help but I was all alone. After I had walked for days, I found some place where I could eat and call but I didn’t know your number.

I’ve been homeless for days, stealing food and sleeping on the streets, until this woman appeared. She was really nice, giving me food to eat.

When it was dark, I saw the woman again. She took me with her to her house where she made me more food and after that I fell asleep on the bed.

The bed was nice, comfortable and I slept the whole night and throughout the next day. When I woke up at 4pm, she was still there, telling me to get a shower.

Once I was done showering, I had some trouble with the buttons on my shirt, so I asked her to help me.” Cas looked over at Dean and smiled lightly. Sam did notice it, but decided not to comment on it.

“She started buttoning my shirt, but noticed something, I don’t know what. She touched my chest, and I wondered what she was doing so I wanted to ask her.

I don’t know what I did wrong, but suddenly she was kissing me, and I pushed her away. She didn’t like that but I was hungry. I just left my shirt open and sat at the table. She smiled and told me it was okay.

After dinner we just watched some TV, and I was still tired so I said I went to bed. I put off my shirt and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the woman was standing over me, dressed in some pair of clothes which I don’t even know the name of. She started touching me again, and tried to kiss me, but I was so tired.

She asked if I didn’t want to know what was underneath that piece of cloth. I said I already knew she was hiding her breasts, and asked if I could go back to sleep. Suddenly, she was so angry, shouting a me, she accused me of all kinds of things.

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