Chapter 10: Like Water and Oil

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Izuku frowned as he read the long email that was on his computer screen. Sitting at his desk in his office, Izuku had been planning to leave for lunch when an email notification popped up on his laptop's screen. Not one to put off work, Izuku had diligently opened his email to see who had contacted him. What was surprising was that the email had come directly from Director Fujikawa, and there was a short list of other people who had received the email as well.

It turned out that the focus of the email was about the anti-quirk bullets that had been recovered from the raid. After extensive testing it was determined that the bullets somehow contained biological material that nullified quirks. As long as the bullet was embedded in someone their quirk and any quirk related abilities would be all but neutralized. More testing was underway to assess how long the neutralizing effect stayed active, but the director made his intentions quite clear. Any information regarding the anti-quirk bullets was top secret and not to be discussed with anyone outside a select group of people. The goal was to reverse-engineer the effects from the bullets and make it usable on a wide scale basis.

Frowning, Izuku closed the email and deleted it from his laptop. Any smart person could tell how valuable this kind of weapon was. Even if it was a knock-off of a knock-off. Hell, countries had gone to war with each other for far less in the past. While anti-quirk tech was certainly useful, it also painted a large target on the back of whoever was using it.

But Izuku was certainly not going to delve into the morality of such a weapon and its uses. Leave that to the professionals and the bigwigs in charge.

Cracking his knuckles, Izuku contemplated what to have for lunch when his smartphone began to buzz. Arching an eyebrow curiously, Izuku pulled his phone out of his pocket and inspected the caller ID. The number was not one he recognized, but the area code was local. One of the perks about working for the Ministry of Defense was that you did not have to deal with telemarketers and spam, so whoever was calling had gotten his number from someone.

Pressing the answer icon, Izuku held his phone up to his ear. "Midoriya speaking." He said flatly.

"Oh!" A familiar female voice said in surprise. "Uhh hi? I know this is kinda-"

Before Miruko could even finish her sentence Izuku hung up on her. Sure he might be acting petty, but there was no way in hell he was going to waste his time talking to that obnoxious pro-hero.

Standing up from his desk, Izuku was about to leave and grab some lunch when his phone rang again. Without even a hint of remorse, the green-haired agent immediately blocked Miruko's number.

"I am probably going to have to start screening my calls." He idly thought to himself as he walked out of his office.

For the next few days Izuku kept ignoring any attempt at communication from Miruko. She had tried calling from multiple different numbers, but that just made the handsome agent not answer his phone unless it was from a number he knew.

Then he found an email waiting in his inbox from an address that was obviously from Miruko. Not even bothering to read the email, Izuku deleted the message and immediately changed his email address before going about his usual daily routines.

For an entire week Izuku stubbornly refused to interact with any form of communication the dark-skinned rabbit hero sent him. It even got to the point where he informed the department receptionist that any emails, calls, or letters from Miruko were to be ignored entirely. That had definitely raised a few eyebrows around the office, but nobody dared to bring up such a touchy topic of conversation with the department's best field agent.

Like hell he was going to give in and talk to that self-absorbed bitch!

So now here he was, eating alone at his favorite restaurant and enjoying a well-deserved meal. His diet might mostly consist of cheap food from a local food-mart, but Izuku enjoyed a nicely made meal like anyone else. The restaurant itself was small but of high class, catering to a clientele that mostly consisted of rich families and powerful members of society. Not that Izuku cared at all about rubbing shoulders with members of high society, the reason he kept coming back was the amazing food. (Also because he was a friend of the head chef, but that is a story for another time.) Located at the top of a downtown high-rise, the exclusive establishment was often a place where the rich and famous came to eat in privacy.

Life is Simple, Love is Not (Izuku x Miruko)Where stories live. Discover now