Chapter 56: Ride or Die

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Rumi groaned in pain as moving rubble scraped against her skin. All she could hear was a dull ringing noise and it took her a second to remember where she was and what she was doing. A pair of rough but familiar hands grabbed her arms and pulled her free of the rubble, and Rumi finally looked up to see the bloodied and bruised face of Izuku.

"You look like hammered shit." Rumi laughed weakly as she slowly got to her feet.

"Same to you." Izuku replied with a relieved smile. "Are you able to walk?"

Nodding, Rumi winced as she felt a cracked rib scrape against itself as she straightened up. "So what the fuck happened? Last thing I heard was Oscar laughing."

Looking down at his bloody hands with a strange look on his face, Izuku spoke.

"I...I put an end to it."

Immediately understanding what Izuku meant, Rumi reached out and pulled her boyfriend into a tight hug. "Izuku you did what you had to do. I know that if you...I know he must not have given you any other choice."

Nodding slightly, Izuku let out a heavy sigh as he hugged back. "I just...he was a monster but...I can't help but feel sorry for him."

Rumi stroked Izuku's back as she spoke. "I know you had a complicated relationship with him, Izuku. It's okay, let's just move on and put this all behind us."

Leaning back slightly, Izuku pulled out the small datadrive and showed it to Rumi. "Oscar told me what was really going on. There is no time to explain the whole thing, but our top priority right now is to upload this data to the internet and send copies to every major news outlet."

Before Rumi could respond there was a rush of air and the sound of beating wings. Moments later, Hawks flew down the tunnel and landed nearby with a wary look on his face.

"Miruko what are you doing?" The winged hero asked suspiciously. "I thought you were going to capture him?"

Rolling her eyes, Rumi let go of Izuku and faced Hawks.

"It's a long story, but basically Izuku was being brainwashed." She said snippily. "He snapped out of it and came here to escape."

Obviously still suspicious, Hawks looked Izuku up and down. "How do you know he is not lying to you? He could just be trying to lure us into a trap."

Suddenly Izuku spoke up in an annoyed voice. "Well considering I had to kill Oscar to save my girlfriend I would say that is a good enough reason to believe me. Or do you want me to go and bring Oscar's head back as proof? Because that can be arranged."

Hawks' eyebrows arched in surprise as he coughed awkwardly. "Um...that won't be necessary. But that brings up another problem. We needed Oscar so we could interrogate him and figure out who is really pulling the strings behind recent events."

Izuku held up the datadrive for Hawks to see. "This has all the info you need. Turns out the Director of the Ministry of Defense is behind everything."

Hawks' jaw dropped in shock. "Are you sure?! If you are not lying, this is a worst case scenario."

Rumi watched worriedly as Izuku winced and tossed the datadrive to Hawks.

"I have a plan." Izuku said as he limped towards the tunnel exit. "But first we need to get out of here and regroup. I assume you took care of the rest of Zulu team?"

Hawks deftly caught the datadrive and nodded. "They were certainly better trained than the average goon I will give them that. I incapacitated my group and tied them up. Endeavor and Best Jeanist took care of the rest."

Life is Simple, Love is Not (Izuku x Miruko)Where stories live. Discover now