Daddy looks pretty

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I was in the kitchen making dinner waiting on my husband Alex coming home from picking our daughter Olivia up from nursery

I putted the lasagna in the oven and turned on the tv to a music station edge of seventeen by stevie nicks playing I decided to practice my makeup since I was a professional makeup artist

I was finishing off the last part of my makeup when the door open to reveal a laughing Olivia and Alex

"Mummeh look wha' I made for yeh and daddeh" Olivia beamed holding a big piece of paper I took it from her and had a look
She made a family tree with a picture of her the teacher took in the middle of the tree and little apples of it with drawing of her family with me,Alex,our parents,my grandad,themonkeys,miles and the rest of our close family

"Wow sweetheart this is beautiful tell you what we'll put it in a frame and hang it on the wall for everyone to see" I said smiling I gave her a hug "yeh look stunnin luv" Alex said kissing my cheek "Alex it's not even good I rushed it" I said blushing walking into the kitchen to check on the dinner

"Daddeh?" Olivia said looking at Alex sitting on the floor looking at my makeup that's over the living room table "yes sunshine" he said kneeling down to her level using the nickname he and her uncle miles gave her because she fascinated with the sun now
"Can I do yer makeup teh make yeh look pretteh" she asked
"If mummeh says it's ok teh use her makeup" he said

Olivia ran up to me "mummeh mummeh" she shouted Making me laugh at her eagerness
"Yes liv" I said plating the food
"Can I use yer makeup to make daddeh look pretteh" she asked
"Yes but after dinner" I said smiling
"Tell daddy dinner is ready" I added she ran into the living room and moments later her and Alex came in "looks amazing luv" he said pecking my lips and grabbing his plate

After dinner we sat in the living room again
Alex and Olivia sat on the floor so she can do his makeup "Alex put this headband on so your hair doesn't go everywhere" I said even though is hair was tied into I man bun
I putted music on "liv what song do you want on" I asked "the sweet about meh song" she requested
I putted sweet about me by Gabriella cilmi on for her she been obsessed over that song since I showed her music I used to listen to when I younger

Olivia took my foundation and putted it on Alex's face "it feels weird" Alex said scrunching his face up we all giggled
She took my sponge and blended it in she did his eyebrows which to be honest looked like slugs but I only praised my daughter
"Daddeh wha' colour do yeh want for yer eyes" she asked
"You pick sunshine" he smiled
"Noo daddeh you pick because I can't choose" Alex chuckled "how about blue and oh pink" he suggested Olivia nodded

She applied the eyeshadow messily on his eyes and she bronzed his face a little bit too much
She applied an insane amount of blush too his cheeks and highlighter that was too dark for him that I had in a pallet laying around
"Mummy wha' colour should I do daddehs lips" she asked I looked through me lipsticks Alex gave me a look knowing I was going to choose a weird colour "what about this it would bring out daddy's eyes" I said turning to Alex smirking
"Yeah mummeh I love green" she said excitedly
She took the lipstick and applied the green shade over his lips over lining his lips a bit

"Finished daddeh yeh can look now" she said
Giggling she knew her dad looked funny but she was proud of her work "yeh look vereh and realleh pretteh daddeh" she said
"Wow sunshine it's amazing" he beamed he turned to me I tried to hold a laugh "wha' d'yeh fink luv" he asked me "your better than me I said smiling
"Now mummeh it's yer turn daddeh help mEh" she said "wif pleasure" he replied smirking

After they did my makeup Olivia insisted we FaceTimed miles to show him
As we waited for miles to answer Olivia was holding the phone miles answered happy to see Olivia
"Ello sunshine" he said waving to the camera
"Ello uncle mi mi " she replied she always called miles mi mi it's her special name for him she and miles never lets anyone else call him that
"How's me favourite person in the whole world" he said causing liv to giggle
"I just did mummehs and daddehs makeup they look beautiful uncle mi mi"
"Let's have a look sunshine" he replied

Liv shouted us over handing me the phone and ran to her room to do god knows what "hello miles" I said blushing with embarrassment
"I fink she's better then you Y/N" miles said
" I think she is" I agreed
"You should be Alex or should I say Alexandria Turner" I joked
"I'm not showing him" Alex shouted
"Alex don't be a shitebag and come here" I said
He gave in and took the phone and sat on the couch
"Go on then let's have it" he said waiting on miles to rip the piss out of him

"Oh my god al yeh look fuckin unbelievably ridiculous" miles said laughing
"I know but sheh did a better job wif Y/N" he said
"Oh is Alex jealous or should I say coco the clown" I said smirking taking the makeup off since Olivia letted us before she left
"I'll coco the clown yeh" he said with that mischievous smirk on his face
"Last time I were a clown was favourite worst nightmare daehs" he said to miles
"Yet I still don't see the difference" miles joked
I through the makeup wipes to Alex
"Rig miles I'll see yeh tomorrow when yeh visit" Alex said to miles the both said there goodbyes

Me and Alex went to our bathroom to wash the makeup off properly before tucking liv into bed
"Right happy the clown time to wash it off" I said giggling
"Next time yeh make a clown joke I'll punish yeh"he said raising an eyebrow I laughed so hard even though he's being serious
"Alex I can't take you seriously when your trying to act dominant looking like a lost employee for zippoz circus" I said still laughing Alex washed the makeup off and we went to tuck Olivia into bed

"Ni-night mummeh and daddeh" she said rubbing her eyes "night baby" we both said
"Night night loveys" she said making grubby hands we always gave her goodnight kisses but she called kisses loveys (I just thought using the word loveys was cute and my little brother calls kisses loveys) I gave my night lovey and as Alex gave his Olivia laughed at scratched her chin "daddeh yer beard it's tickly" she said giggling "do yeh want mEh to get rid of it for yeh" he asked he shook her head "no daddeh I luv yeh beard" she said Alex smiled "luv yeh sunshine" he said she said love you back and me and Alex went to our room once liv was asleep

I got into bed Alex stripped into his boxers since he always slept in them
"Night Alex" I said about he give his a goodnight kiss
"Not yet luv I'm not finished wif yeh" he said smirking "what" I asked
"I told yeh not teh make anofer clown joke or I'll punish yeh" he said now hovering above  me

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