does your mother know part 4

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(Alexs pov)

I didn't want to wake up from my dream it felt so real her touch her scent just her all together
My dream was that I saw her again she looked as beautiful as ever and well we ended up you know having sex

I felt a heavy weight on my chest I opened my eyes immediately greeted by y/h/c locks
'Fook it weren't a dream' I thought a smile played on my lips
She was actually there she's here in my arms I have her

I felt her begin to stir about before
She lifted her head off my bare chest
Squinting her eyes her bed hair over the place
"Fuckin hell my head" was the first thing that erupted from her lips

She turned her head facing me with a smile
"Good morning" she hummed
"Vereh good mornin" I replied as she placed her head on the pillow beside my head
"Last night was amazing"she mumbled a hint of guilt in her eyes I knew what she was going to say
"Here comes the but" I sighed Turing my body to lay on my side facing her

"But did you really mean what you said" She asked I knew she was talking about when I said I love her
"Yes I did mean wha' I said I do luv yeh y/n"i answered meaning everything I said

She looked at me with her y/e/c eyes with hope and love in them
"But how can you love someone you met 2 times" she asked I let out a sigh not knowing how to answer this
"I don't kno' but wha' I do kno' I'd tha' ever since I first met yeh yeh changed meh whole life around and I knew then I wanted yeh" I opened up letting myself pour my heart out to the woman I love

She extended her hand running through my hair I leaned my head to her touch loving the feeling of her small hands in my locks of hair
"I wanted yeh tha' night and evereh night" I hummed closing my eyes nuzzling my head to the crook of her neck
"I love you alex" she whispered her fingers twirling my hair around
"I luv yeh more" I mumbled giving her neck a innocent peck

We stayed like that for a while just enjoying each others presence nothing else matters at this moment and time just us nothing else

"Alex" y/ns soft voice spoke my eyes wear still closed but I'm very much awake y/n couldn't see that since my face is snuggled into her neck
"Hmm" I hummed nuzzling my head into her more
"You awake" she asked I let out a chuckle making her giggled
"Yeah babeh I'm Vereh much awake" I replied

I felt y/ns fingers playing with my hair again making me feel relaxed I love when she does that
"I could get used teh this" I mumbled my arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to me
"Me too" she giggled

A while later we're now in the living room watching tv with a bowl of pasta in our hands y/n had her legs drapped over my lap wearing a pair of my boxers and one of my button up shirts she looks absolutely stunning in my clothes I must say

(Y/ns pov)
This feels I don't know lovely being with alex he makes me feel safe and warm secure even when just sitting with him eating pasta

I couldn't help but admire him as his eyes were fixed on the tv screen watching some true crime documentary

From how his brown orbs were concentrated on the tv
To his sharp jaw line how it looked if so it would cut you the second you touched it
His buzzed head how he actually looked good with it if I do say so myself
His arms how muscular they are how they held me through the night and this morning making me feel safe

"Yer starin luv" alex broke me out of my daydream still fixed on the tv smirking
"Can't help it" I shrugged shoving a fork full of pasta into my mouth
"I'm joost irisistable" he teased Turing to face me wiggling his eyebrows at me
"Yeah no bother" I joke making alex pretend to be shocked
"Yeh luv meh realleh" he recalled

"That I do" I giggled placing my bowl onto the coffee table alex doing the same then holding his arms out for me
"Come here" he smiled I lifted myself to basically sit on his lap cuddling him watching the tv
Alex arms wrapping around my waist his chin resting on my shoulder placing a few pecks there then wrapping the blanket that was on the headrest on the settee over us

"I love you" I sighed my hand running through his buzz cut just happy I have alex
"Yeh don't even kno' how much I luv yeh" he smiled against my shoulder placing another light kiss there

It's honestly weird how you could meet someone once then think your never going to see them again but their always on your mind like a song you heard that you end up falling in live with them
And soon enough fate brings the two back together

And with alex he's the one for me ever since I met him that night in the club only 18 years old him 30 years old
Then years later we're together
No words can describe how much I love alex he's perfect for me
It's literally 06:12 in the morning I couldn't sleep so why not write

This is the last part of the mini series
Sorry if it was too cheesy
Hope you enjoyed it all my loves

~Kaitlyn Xx

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