Hard work

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One week I haven't seen my husband Alex in nearly two weeks I also haven't seen my 3 year old daughter Abbie For the same amount of time

Alex agreed to watch her himself for a week and a half since my friends planned a girls trip to New Orleans they asked me if I wanted to go since I always wanted to go there I was hesitant at first since I was never away from Abbie at all
I spoke to Alex about it and he said I should go and he'll look after Abbie his exact words were
"Shehs onleh three how bad can lookin after a three year old for a week and a half beh"
Let me tell you he was in for a treat

Abbie was a crazy toddler adorable cute extremely funny but she was always up to mischief she was the queen of mischief well with me anyway with Alex she was such a daddy's girl never did anything wrong in his eyes since he's on tour most of the time I had to be the strict parent

Today I was coming home I decided to come home a day early since I wanted to surprise Alex and Abbie
I sat in the back of the taxi in London waiting till I get to mine and Alex's house

Once I got to outside my house I grabbed my suitcase from the boot of the car after paying the driver and entered my home
The house was clean in the hallway until I walked into the living room
"OH MY GOD"i gasped Alex was painting the walls that were covered in crayons
Alex head snapped towards me his eyes popped out his head

"What happened here"I asked Alex sighed he looks dreadful his eyes were baggy like he was exhausted he looked like a ticking time bomb
"I were making Abbie lunch and I turned around for two seconds and somehow fookin crayons appeared on her hand and sheh were scribblin on the wall"Alex explained I nodded
"Where is she"I asked
"In her room putted her on a time out shehs been plaehing up"Alex chuckled

"I'm so sorry alex"i sighed hugging him Alex sighed the second my arms wrapped around him
"Fookin hell I missed yeh"he mumbled
"I missed you two"I smiled
"Go for a nice long shower and relax I'll look after Abbie"I said Alex nodded and pecked my lips a few times then ran up the stairs like road runner

"MUMMEH YER HOME"Abbie shouted running down the stairs
"Come here missy I need a word"I said to my daughter who was looking up at me with her big beautiful brown eyes like her dads she was literally a baby girl version of Alex

"Yes mummeh"she smiled like she hadn't dont anything wrong
"What have I told you about drawing on the wall"I scolded
"Sorreh mummeh"Abbie said
"Okay I forgive you but also why were you being naughty to daddy"I asked

"Daddeh always lets mEh play wif fings mummeh dont and I wasn't very nice teh daddeh I'm sorry mummeh"Abbie mumbled
"Okay but it's not me you should say sorry to it's daddy"I explained to my 3 year old

"Come on let's go make dinner"I said Abbie grabbed my hand as we entered the kitchen
"Should we make daddy stew"I asked Abbie nodded

I finally finished dinner with Abbies help Alex still hadn't came back down he's probably went to sleep he deserves it
"Abbie go get daddy tell him dinners ready"I said Abbie ran upstairs to get Alex

After a minute or two a very tired Alex came into the kitchen sleepily yawning with Abbie in his arms
"Tha' smells nice"he hummed coming over to peck my lips
"I missed yeh"he smiled
"I missed you two"I chuckled pulling away

"Daddeh im sorry I were naughty"Abbie said hugging Alex's neck
"It's alright sweetieh joost next time don't get teh carrehed awaeh"Alex chuckled placing Abbie into her high chair
"Otay"she giggled

I gave everyone their plates and we got digging into our food
"Fook how I missed yer cooking"Alex hummed
"Alex don't swear infront of Abbie"I scolded
"But mummeh daddeh said bad words all the time when you were away"Abbie said I gave Alex a glare
"Is that right"I chuckled
"Grass"Alex chuckled under is breath

After dinner I got Abbie into a bath and then putted her to bed Alex was downstairs watching tv I decided to change into my pyjamas

Once I was changed I went downstairs to see Alex watching some car show I sat on the arm of the chair my hand on his shoulder
"Yeh alright luv"Alex asked looking up at me smiling
"Yeah just I missed you"i chuckled
"Lets go teh bed"Alex stated standing up
"But I'm not tired"I said
Alex then picked me up bridal style
"Who said anehfing about sleep"he smirked
'God this man is going to be the death of me' I thought

Alex Turner one shots (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now