does your mother know part 5

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(8 months later)

"Tha's the last box babeh" alex declared placing the last big brown cardboard box on the floor of his house
"Thank you Al" I smiled leaving a kiss on his cheek

"No fank yeh" he chuckled wrapping an arm around my waist pressing his lips on my temple before pulling away so we can both unpack

A few weeks ago I took alex out for a romantic candlelit dinner for his birthday during dinner alex asked me to move in with him saying that would be the best birthday present ever
I obviously said yes

Now here we are unpacking my stuff into now our shared home
As for my old house I decided to sell it so my furniture would be up for sale or other pieces like paintings or sentimental thing alex said it was fine to place in his garage or hang some up

Halfway through unpacking with Alex's help I was tackling a box of clothes in our bedroom Alex was in the living room unboxing a box that contains little decoration things I had around my house that alex helped me pick out to take with me

"Babe" I called closing the closet doors now making my way to alex to help him with the last 2 boxes
"Yeah" he answered placing a fake plant pot on the window ledge
"I could have sworn I put my makeup stuff in with one of the bedroom boxes" I mumbled in confusion

"Yeh might 'ave put it in one of them boxes" he chuckled pointing to the last two boxes
I opened one of the boxes to only find photo frames in them
I checked the other one that was filled with sentimental things like Polaroids or gifts or little things that might be meaningless to some people but are meaningful to me

And there It was my makeup bag
"Found it" I giggled jogging into the bedroom placing it on the vanity I took with me then returning to the boxes
"We'll do the photo box next" alex said I nodded taking one picture out

It was a painting my best friend did for my birthday a few years back it was a woman's shoulders with sunflowers blooming out the neck with little star like dots outlining it alex hung the painting up on the wall by the front  door

He hung up a few more a few more paintings or family photos there was a few framed pictures of me and alex one from when we started dating and one from a few weeks ago at the dinner

We placed one on my vanity in our bedroom another on the side table beside the tv in the living room and a few more here and there around the house

As for the last box there wasn't really anything that had to be taking out so I put the box in the closet instead of the garage

Me and alex went to the bedroom collapsing onto the bed with a heavy sigh in exhaustion
"Come 'ere"alex mumbled opening his arms laying on his back I moved closer to him only to be pulled to lay on top of alex on my stomach Alex's arms hugging my body keeping me close my head nuzzled into his neck placing a few light pecks on his adams apple

"I'm so happeh yer staehin 'ere wif meh" he mumbled stroking my hair placing a kiss on top of my head
"I love you so much" I smiled againt his skin
"I can't wait for us to properly start our future" I added feeling my eyes close

"Speakin of our future wha' d'yeh see for us" alex asked I lifted my head up making eye contact with his instantly to see a smile tugging his lips
"Like in a few years or summat" he added
"Well I see us obviously" I started both me and alex lightly chuckling

"I gathered tha'" alex teased smirking
"And we have a dog or two running in the backgarden and running with the dogs are little kids" I added alex raised an eyebrow
"Yeh see us wif kids" alex asked a soft smile tugging his lips

I bit my lip blushing and nodding to Alex's question
"There's kids running around our child and the boys kids running with the dogs" I said picturing the image in my head
"And there's us two with everyone happy you old and grey" I joked making alex playfully poking my side making me laugh

"What about you" I asked moving my body to straddle alex in a non sexual way
Alex moved one arm behind his head the other resting on my thigh
"I actualleh had a dream about our future the other night" he chuckled
"Ooo tell me" I said intrigued about his dream

"Well I'm on stage and I called yeh out on teh the stage and I told the crowd how much I luv yeh and I got down on one knee asked yeh teh marreh meh" he said his facial expression was like he was thinking remembering his dream
"Aww" I gasped

"Then weh were at a weddin ours there yeh were infront of meh wif this beautiful white dress on absoluteleh breath takin" he smiled I smiled back at him
"And we got married it were like the movie click wif the waeh Everehfing skipped" he chuckled

"But we're in a hospital room and I'm holdin babeh yeh were on the bed just gave birth" he chuckled I smiled thinking of me just gave birth to our child
"A little boy it were and then 'click'" he giggled

"We were in the backgarden it were similar teh wha' yeh saw but there weren't aneh dogs it were the guys kids runnin around ours musta been around 2 or summat playin wif their cousins" he mumbled using his hands a lot as he talked

"And everehone was there matt were doin a barbecue and we stood beside each other but yeh had a bump quite a big bump" he chuckled I let a giggled leave my lips
"We were tellin each other how much we luv each other makin miles almost vomit" we both laughed

My hand cupped his cheek bending down pressing my lips to his for a passionate kiss
His hand cupped my cheek as well
"Teh our future" he smiled againt my lips His forhead againt mine
"To our future"
Idk where I was going with this or if it makes sense 😕

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