does your mother know part 2

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(Y/ns pov)
"I'm old enough" I groaned god why is it so hard to get with this bloke he's absolutely gorgeous Why do I have to be 18 Why can't I be 20 or something

"Yeh sure" alex smirked raising an eyebrow at me god he's so fucking handsome
"Positive now let's dance" I mumbled starting to dance again

The music blasting throughout the whole place me and alex danced like no ones business
I wrapped my arms around Alex's neck while we danced I flashed him a toothy cheeky flirty smile
Hoping he knows what I mean when I gave him a flash of that smile
"I know wha' yeh mean but yer onleh a child" he chuckled

"Then why are you dancing with one" I smirked
"Shut up" alex laughed both of us heading to the bar for more drinks

After a few drinks alec excused himself for a moment and went to the bathroom there's no way I'll get with him

(Alex's pov)
God what's that girl doing to me it's only been a few hours and I'm in too deep
She's absolutely mesmerising
Absolutely gorgeous
Absolutely too fucking young fuck

I looked at my reflection in the empty bathroom mirror sighing heavy
Why does this have to happen to me?

I mean she is of age but she's still a kid it's not right well it would be for one night for her but for me well I don't exactly know y/n is a type of person you want to stay in your life that you can't let go

My thoughts were interrupted but the bathroom door opening I snapped my head round to see miles
'Thank god' I thought

"There yeh are" miles smiled
"Fought yeh ran awaeh wif tha' burd" he chuckled I pressed my lips together to form a smile
"What's wrong mate" miles asked

"I've got a problem" I sighed rubbing my temples in frustration
"Okay what's up" miles asked
"Tha' girl I were wif well I like her" I mumbled
"Right then go for it there's nothing stopping yeh" miles shrugged

"Yes there is" I sighed miles raised his eyebrows in confusion but also for me to continue
"She's too young" I said
"How young" miles asked
"18" I replied
"Fook sake" miles chuckled
"No' funneh" I groaned

"Look cause shehs young don't mean yeh can't have a bit of fun" miles said
"I can't shag her mi" I snapped
"I'm not sayin tha' all I'm sayin is flirt wif her even give her a little kiss or summat so it's no' like yer just full scale rejectin her" he suggested
"I'll do tha' then" I sighed both of us exiting the bathroom to go to the bar

Y/n was nowhere to be seen I looked around the bar but no y/n
I gave up she's probably away somewhere else I decided to order another drink
"Joost a pint mate" I said to the bar man who nodded

"Yeh haven't by aneh chance seen that girl I were wif" I asked
"What did she look like" the barman asked
"Y/c/h with a flared top with flowers over it and brown flared trousers with a headband she looks like she came straight out the 70s" I informed

"Yeah I have she left" he said giving me a sympathetic smile
"She told me to give you this" he said handing me a piece of paper

I took the paper unfolding it to reveal a number under it said

Call me when I'm old enough for you
Y/n xx

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