Blind date

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Friday night I should be out enjoying myself flirting with people and getting drunk with my mates but that's not the case I just got out of a 2 year relationship and I'm not hung up about it anymore but I don't want to put myself back out there again

I was watching the little mermaid since I'm a big child and love Disney movies it's currently 5:30pm
My phone was ringing from the coffee table
I grabbed it to see who was calling me it was a FaceTime call from one of my best mates Miles

(You) (Miles)
"Aright Y/N" Miles beamed in his usual happy go lucky self
"Hi Mi what's up" I asked giggling
"Yeh busy the night"Miles asked smirking at the phone
"Obviously not why" I replied
"Yer going on a blind date"Miles stated I felt a wave of shock going through me I never been on a blind date in my life
"What I can't no" I said quickly Miles let out a sigh
"Yeh need to get back in there again get that mojo back" Miles said
"Miles I'm not Austin powers I haven't lost my mojo" I chuckled
"Then get yer arse on that date" Miles said
"Fine text me the details" I said Miles nodded and with that the call was over

In the space of two minutes Miles text me the details
It was my favourite Italian restaurant pizanos that have the most amazing pizza
He also said the table is booked for 7:30pm under the name Kane it was 6:00pm I didn't need to shower since it did that this morning

I made my way to my bedroom and pulled out my white body con dress that came to mid thigh with my baby blue heals and to top it off my baby blue cardigan that ties instead of buttons
I applied my usual makeup light foundation little bit of concealer brow gel bronzer blush and highlight mascara and my favourite half lashes with my trademark eyeliner style which was basically dog style

I straightened my hair out and grabbed my purse I checked the time on my phone
7:10pm I'll be there on time
I booked an Uber since I'll probably have a few glasses of wine
Once my Uber came I gave the driver the address and had a short conversation with the driver then before I knew it I was at the restaurant I payed the driver thanking him then exiting the taxi

I walked into the restaurant to be greeted by the man that takes the reservation at door
"Hello madam welcome to pizanos what reservation are you under" he asked
"Erm table for two under Kane please" I replied
He checked the booklet and nodded
"Ah yes this way" he lead me to the table I sat down on the seats my date was here their jacket is still on the other chair probably in the bathroom or something

I pulled my phone out texting Miles to let him know I'm here once I was finished with the text I checked my Social media I heard someone pulling a chair out I looked up to see who was sitting infront on me

"Alex" "Y/N we said at the same time
"Wha' yeh doing here" he asked chuckling
"Miles sent me on a blind date why are you here where's Taylor" I asked
"Miles sent meh on a blind date aswell meh and Taylor broke up a while ago" Alex said
"I should of known he would do this" I said not bothering to ask how they broke up

"What can I get you" the waiter asked holding their notepad and pen
"I'll have the spaghetti please" Alex said
"I'll have the same" I added
"Any drinks" the waiter asked
"Whiskey please and yeh Y/N" Alex replied
"I'll have a glass of white wine" I asked the waiter nodded and hurried off

"I can't believe Miles did this" Alex said chuckling
"He listened all along" Alex added taking a sip of his whiskey
"What do you mean" I asked fiddling with my hair a habit I picked up when I'm nervous
"Well I always had a fing for yeh" Alex said boldly one of the many this I admired about that man in-front of me he can be shy a lot of the time but if he's comfortable he's quite bold
"Oh really" I replied raising my eyebrows in shock
"Who wouldn't luv" Alex said smirking

Our food came as me and Alex had a deep conversation about his music he said he's working on a new album for the Monkeys and he's in the middle of recording them their naming the album tranquility base hotel and casino

We chatted as we ate and to be honest I don't know if it was the now two glasses of wine but I felt a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart as cliche as It sounds
It didn't feel like all the other times I was with Alex it felt different in a good way a very good way

"Y/n" Alex said as he shoved more spaghetti in his mouth
"Yes" I replied looking at him
"Would yeh go an another date wif meh" Alex asked hope in his eyes along with embarrassment of getting turned down
"I would love to Alex" I said smiling
"Great" he chuckled

Once we finished and the bill came to the table that was the bit everyone dreaded
"I'll pay" Alex said taking out his wallet
"No I'll pay" I protested
"No I'll pay" he replied
"Alex I'll do it" I said trying not to laugh
"No I'll do it" he said chuckling
"Fine we split it in the middle" I said
"Agreed" Alex said we split the bill and left the restaurant

Once we were outside Alex took out his pack of cigarettes and offered me one which I took
I lighted my cigarette aswell as Alex's
We took slow long drags in comfortable silence
"So fink Miles is a matchmaker now" Alex said chuckling
"Yeah he should be on million dollar matchmaker" I joked Alex laughed
"I really enjoyed tonight" I said smiling
"Meh teh so there be a second date" Alex asked I nodded smiling
"Definitely" I said

After another short moment of silence again Alex spoke again
"Yes" I replied
"I know it's onleh been the first date but I realleh like yeh" Alex said
"Alex we knew each other for years" I said chuckling
"I know but I really do" he giggled
"I really like you to" I replied honestly
"I know this might beh chancin mEh luck but can I kiss yeh" he hesitantly asked
I could only nod

Alex stepped towards me cupping my cheek his lips just inches away from mine
"Yer so beautiful Y/N he mumbled then kissed my lips it was passionate he poured all his feelings into that kiss aswell as myself
After a minute we pulled away for air
"I always wanted teh do tha'" Alex whispered
"Me too" I said
"How yeh getting home" he asked
"Uber you" I replied
"Same" he chuckled

We called our taxis and chatted until they arrived
"I'll see you later Alex" I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek
"See yeh later darling" he said
"I'll text Yeh" he added
"Ok" I replied

Once I got home I took my makeup off and changed into my oversized t-shirt and didn't bother with trousers i jumped onto my bed and putted music on Then my phone beeped
It was a text from Alex and miles

Hello love that's me home I really enjoyed tonight xx

I smiled like an idiot
I enjoyed tonight two I'm glad Miles did that xx

Would you like to go on another date around the city tomorrow xx

I would love to xx

So how did it go 😆

It was great Alex said he liked me for a while and so did I

Yeah he always said he liked you so will there be a second date

Yes tomorrow

Finally I'm a matchmaker 🎉🥳

Your unbelievable 😂

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