train rides

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"From London to Sheffield please Stand at platform 4" the intercom announced in the busy train station
I gripped my suitcase standing at platform 4 waiting on the train to arrive

Loads of people waited on the same train to arrive which is no surprise since its Christmas time

Soon enough the train neared to its last stop before switching directions
People exited the train men,woman elderly family's with happy faces the odd gloomy person there aswell

I hopped into the train picking a booth to sit at facing the doors by the window
Placing my backpack beside me and my suitcase by my side on the floor waiting patiently for the train to take off

More and more people jumped on the train filling up most the seats before we even moved

I kept my gaze on the window watching people running catching the train or waiting on one
I didn't notice that someone was talking to me

"Excuse meh luv" a voice spoke I turned my head to see the person that was talking to me
"Oh sorry" I apologised slightly blushing from embarrassment

"No yer alright is it alright if I sit here joost there no more seats and I don't really want to go to the next slot" he shyly asked I gave him a warm smile nodding

"Yeah of course" I replied watching the man's shoulders relax at my reply
"Fank yeh" he said taking a seat across from me

"I'm alex" he introduced with a shy smile
"Y/n" I replied giving him a smile he repeated my name registering it in his head

Soon enough the train took off the first I'd say 2 minutes were silent
My eyes fixed on the window Occasionally giving alex an odd glance his eyes were also on the window his elbows on the little table his chin on his hand

"So where yeh headin" alex broke the silence his eyes examining me
"Sheffield what about you" I asked instantly cringing since it was obvious by his accent
"Sheffs aswell seein meh old dears" he chuckled I joined in before silence creeped up again

"You all set for Christmas then" I asked making another conversation
"Yeah it's brutal tryin teh get gifts for everyone init" he replied I chuckled agreeing
"It is but it's worth it" I said alex nodded with a smile

Me and alex chatted for a good long while getting to know each other asking random questions like how old are you, when's your birthday thats sort of stuff
Occasionally telling a story from the past

"Next stop Sheffield Central Station" the intercom spoke
"Tha' were quick" alex chuckled
"They say time flys when your having fun" I joked earning another chuckle from alex

I put my coat back on aswell as alex getting ready to get off the train
"How long yeh in sheffs for" alex asked
"Till the 8th of January" I answered not thinking much of it

"Well if yeh don't mind meh askin if yeh want weh could exchange numbers and have a drink sometime" he shyly asked I felt my cheeks blush I nodded my head biting my lip
"Yeah I'd like that" I said

We stood by the doors waiting to get off the train came to a halt the doors sliding open my phone started to ring I quickly hopped off the train a answering the call

"Hello" I said
"Y/n where are you we're at the station but I can't find the platform and your dad's getting cranky" my mum said worry in her voice I told her to go the the entrance I'll meet her there hanging up

"Sorry alex I need to rush my mums lost and I'll need to find her" I apologised alex understood and we our goodbyes parting ways

I got halfway down the station ready to see my family then it hit me
"I forgot to get his number"
Hey all just wanted to know if I should do a part 2 to this :)

Alex Turner one shots (includes smut)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt