High by the beach

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Alex came to visit me on a Saturday night around 7:30pm
Me and Alex have been friends since 2008 we met through miles and I've been friends with miles since high school

"So wha' d'yeh wanna do" Alex asked walking into my kitchen stuffing his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket
"Well to be honest I was about to make a joint" I replied it was no secret I get stoned I've been smoking weed since I was a teenager to help with the stress at home but now I did it because i like the feeling it gives me

"Do you want one" I asked him walking to my room to grab my small wooden box for making joints I had since I was fifteen
"Yeah why no'" Alex said

I returned to the kitchen and sat on the stool I had at the island of the kitchen
Alex sat on the stool opposite from me
Watch me making the roach then taking the skins (btw idk if some people know what skins are there basically cigarette papers)

"I'm packing it no baccy" I noted Alex he just chuckled "yeh know surprisingleh I've never tried yer joints" he said resting his hand under his chin watching in amusement
"Miles said there dynamite" he added with another chuckle "that they are" I said taking my grinder and started to grind the weed once I was finished I placed enough in for a joint and rolled the joint in my hands to finish it off I licked the bit of paper to seal it and twisted the top so nothing falls out I handed it to Alex and I made another three for us

"Let's go teh the beach" Alex suggested I smirked he knew I loved getting high at the beach "you know me too well Turner" I said still smirking Alex smirk at me aswell
Once we were ready we decided to walk to the beach since it wasn't far from where I live and we would be too high to drive

Once we arrived we sat on these big rocks that the water was under so you could dip your feet into it me and Alex took out shoes off and rolled the bottom of out trousers up just below our knees and dipped our feet into the water
I took two joints out my bag and handed him one I placed my one between my lips and handed Alex my lighter he light his and handed my lighter back taking a long drag inhaling the smoke and started to cough causing me to laugh while I was lighting my joint

"Tha's some good stuff there luv" he said in between coughs "Miles weren't bullshittin when he said yeh can make dynamite joints" he added once he stopped
"Thank you Turner" I said taking a drag of my joint
For a couple of minutes we stayed silent not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence
"Y/n can I ask yeh summut" Alex asked
"Yes" I answered with a smile
"Would yeh want teh go on a date wif mEh some time" Alex asked
I though he was just stoned and wasn't thinking straight
"Yes Alex I'll go on a date sometime with you" I said thinking he'll forget

After about an hour we decided to head back to my house during the walk me and Alex somehow managed to end up holding hands
I smiled to myself
"Alex are you hungry" I asked when we go into my house
"Starving" he replied
"Let's order a takeaway" I said Alex nodded
Once we phone (takeout of choice) we sat on the couch watching some random real housewives tv show i think it was the New Jersey one it was getting interesting a fight was about to happen when there was a knock on the door

I opened the door it was the delivery I payed the man and thanked him I made my way back into the house
"FOODS HERE" I shouted Alex sat up and I placed the bag in the table sitting back down on the couch
Me and Alex dug into the food and continued to watch the housewife's "is this wha' yer mum watches all the time" Alex asked I nodded
"I can see why she likes this One" I said Alex chuckled

After and hour me and Alex decided to watch a horror movie we decided to watch the original it (pointless fact but I'm actually petrified of the original it the one from the 80s idk why but I'm fine with The new ones)

During the movie me and Alex were laying on the couch I was in-front of him he wrapped his arm around me I felt Alex's breathing become more softer and slower I turned my head to see he fell asleep
I turned my head back to the tv and I felt my eyes getting heavier I decided to just fall asleep in Alex's arms tomorrow we're definitely going to have sore necks but it's worth it

Alex Turner one shots (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now