you roar like thunder (smut)

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Warmth of the water relaxing my body the bubbles covering me a glass of wine on the little table beside me soft music playing helping me into tranquility

"Move up luv" a voice softly chuckled startling my blissfulness
Alex stood there with a glass of wine in his hand in only his boxers
I scooted up making sure there was enough space for him in the bathtub

Alex climbed into the bath making himself comfortable before pulling me closer to him laying on him his arms around my torso getting lost in each others presence

Just me and alex in our little world sipping wine in the bath music playing followed by the sounds of thunder outside

"Yeh alright luv tha' thunders gettin louder" alex softly spoke into my hair leaving a peck there
"Yeah I'm fine I'm not scared of thunder Al" I chuckled Alex loves to make sure I'm fine and safe at all times especially when it's thunderstorms I used to be petrified of thunders but as I got older the fear slowly went away but not fully

"I joost like teh make sure yer alright" he said taking another sip of alcohol from his glass

Me and alex took turns helping wash each other after we drank our glasses of wine
Washing our hair alex begged to use my new pumpkin spice shampoo I bought for the fall season

After our bath we got dryed and dressed into pyjamas alex wore his grey joggers with a white vest I wore my plaid bottoms with one of Alex's jumpers

We decided on watching a movie and have some more wine
"You pick a movie I'll get some more wine" I said as we walked into the living room alex had his arm around my waist my hand on his chest
"Yeh kno' what I'll pick" alex chuckled.

"It's your choice tonight anyway now chop chop" I giggled waving him off placing a kiss on his chapped yet soft lips
"Alright Alright" alex chuckled making his way to pick the movie of the night most likely blade runner

I got another bottle of red wine now feeling the need for something sweet I checked the freezer for ice cream and luckily there was
"Al" I called

"Wha" I heard him called back from the living room

"Do you want some ice cream"

"Wha' kind" he asked
"Chocolate" I answered earning a Yeah in response

I scooped 3 scoops of ice cream into two bowls tucking the wine under my arm taking the bowls in the living room

I handed alex his bowl him thanking me taking the wine aswell
Pouring two glasses for us both i pressed play on the remote for the movie to start throwing my legs on Alex's lap both of us tucking into our sweet cold treat

The ice cream all done half way through our third glass of wine nearly half way through the movie I ended up snuggled up against him my head on his chest my legs tangled alex had his arm over me his free hand holding mine his thumb grazing over my hand

The roars of the thunder outside muffled with the sound of the tv my mind now not focusing on the movie and more on the man I'm cuddling with

The way he's holding my hand with one hand and his fingers brushing the back of my hair with the other
The way he would place light kisses on the top of my head or whisper things like "I love you" or "your so beautiful" to me not to mention the wine aswell

Stretching my neck to place a soft light kiss on my boyfriends neck alex glanced down with a smile not thinking much of the gesture since that's how far I could reach

"I love you" I smiled both making eye contact alex couldn't help but smile he went to give me a kiss I shuffled to sit up accepting his kiss

His hand cupped my cheek I placed my hand on his chest to balance myself and to tease him knowing my touch is his weakness

Alex Turner one shots (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now