I dont want to share daddy (daddy looks pretty part 2)

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I just came back from work to hear Alex singing in in studio
I walked closer to the singing as I peaked my head in the studio I saw Alex with Olivia sitting on his lap cuddling into him she must've been crying because Alex a was holding her the way he always holds her when she's upset
He had his arms wrapped around her rubbing her back for comfort and resting his chin on top of her head rocking both of them slowly

"Is she alright" I asked as soon as Alex noticed me
"Yeah shehs joost havin an off daeh luv" he said looking up at me Olivia tugged on his neck and started to cry again "daddeh keep singin" she said rubbing her brown eyes crying more
"Wha song deh want sunshine" he asked giving her a kiss on top of her head afterwords

"Mardeh bum" she said nuzzing her head into the crook of his neck
"Well now then mardy bum I seen your frown" he sang picking her nose to cheer her up a little bit
"And it's like looking down the barrel of a gun and it goes off" he began to sing more softer still gently rocking them both

Soon Enough liv fell asleep I sat with Alex in the studio he was stroking Olivias hair to comfort her
"How long was she like that" I asked my husband
"Since about half one I 'ad to collect her earleh cause sheh got all worked up and hurt a boy" Alex told me I was shocked she was never the type of kid that hits other kids I thought went she wakes up I'll talk to her

"Do you know why she did that" I asked concerned about my daughters actions
"The boy basicalleh cause it to 'appen in mEh eyes he wouldn't give her the doll she brought back and he pushed her on her arse so sheh hooked him in the face" Alex explained
"What who taught her to punch" I asked then it hit me my uncle Scott he taught me and my little sister to fight (true story btw)

"It's Scott he's taught her" I said to Alex he chuckled
"It can't be him" Alex said chuckling
"It is me and my sister were the same" I said
"Your still the same yeh luv teh fight" he said smirking
"That why I got to kickboxing" I said
"Right I'm putting sunshine teh bed and then weh can watch a movieh" Alex said standing up making his way out the room

After an hour or so me and Alex we're half way through our movie Olivia can in the living room
"Mummeh" she said rubbing the sleep away from her eyes
"Yes sweetheart" I responded
"Can I sit wif yeh and daddeh" she said
"Of course come on" Alex answered scooting over a little bit to make room for her
"I'm sorreh I hurt barreh" she said cuddling into Alex
"Yer not in trouble sunshine but you know it's not nice teh hit people" Alex said to her she nodded her head

"I know daddeh but barreh took mEh dolly and pushed me on my bottom and it hurt so I got angreh" she said in her little squeaky voice
"Liv who taught you to hit" I asked wondering if I was right or not
"Uncle scott he said if someone hits meh I hit them back so no one hits mEh again" she said causing me to chuckle
"That's what he told me" I said giggling Alex looked at me then rolled his eyes chuckling
"Wha' d'yeh want teh watch sunshine" Alex asked
"Trolls" liv beamed " 'ow about weh all go into mummehs and daddehs room to watch trolls" Alex suggested
liv got excited so I matched her excitement and we both shouted yeah and liv dragged Alex to the room to put trolls on

I went to get popcorn as I came into the room I found Alex and liv laying in bed ready to press play on the DVD player in our room
"Hurreh up mummeh" Alex and liv said in union
"I'm coming I'm coming" I said rolling my eyes
I got into bed and we all snuggled up

Halfway through the film Olivia was laying on her front at the bottom of the bed she always did that when we watch a movie in bed
Me and Alex cuddled up both as equally tuned into the film as our daughter
I mean we even sang the song with Olivia
I pressed a soft kiss to Alex's jaw he smiled
"Yeh alright luv" he asked pecking my lips
"Yeah babe" I answered
"Should we tell her" I whispered to my husband
"I fink weh should" he said
"Ok we'll do it the now" I said

"Olivia" I said
"Yeah mummeh" she responded climbing back in between me and Alex
"Remember you asked where baby's come from" I asked since she asked where baby's come from not long ago
"Yeah and yeh said tha' yeh phone a special place and they drop a seed in yer tummy when yeh sleepin" she said
"Yes well mummy and daddy phoned that place up" I started looking at Alex who's smiling I mobbed for him to continue the announcement

"Oh yeah well the people tha' work in the special place putted a seed in mummehs tummeh" Alex said poking my belly
"So there's a babeh in mummehs tummy right now" she asked seeming a little bit confused
"Yeah your going to be a big sister" I said smiling but her face only went into a pout
"No I need to share my daddeh" she said Alex heart melted that his daughter adored him so much
"I don't want to share mummeh aswell" she added looking sad

"Oh sunshine nothing will be different we'll still give Yeh the same amount of attention as yeh always get but it's someone teh look up teh yeh" he said since she always loved people who adored her
She smiled and hugged us and she went to my non showing belly and kissed it
"I hope it's a sister" she said hugging my belly again
"Guess weh have teh wait and see sunshine" Alex said we all ended up falling asleep by the time the movie was finished I had Olivia in the middle of me and Alex with her little arm resting on my belly Alex had his arm wrapped around me and Olivia moments like this I really do cherish

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