no more monsters

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Being a parent has its ups and downs
Your raising a little human that you carried it's hard because you don't want to fuck it up but at the same time it feels easy

i have a 3 and a half year old son leon to my husband alex turner
leons always been a happy baby hardly cries always happy
until me and alex tried to get him yo sleep in his own bed

leon slept with me and alex ever since he was born so he got used to that
but he keeps me and alex up at night
kicking us out the bed in his sleep
or he takes up the full bed

today we took him to the park for the majority of the day hoping it would tire him out and he'll sleep in his own bed for the full night

"Leon home time" I called from the bench me and alex sat watching our son interact with other kids
"Hopefulleh he'll sleep in his own room tonight" alex chuckled next to me
"Fingers crossed" I chuckled back

Our little bundle of joy came running over to us ready to go back home
"Come on buddeh" alex said picking up his son walking to our car
Alex placed leon into his car seat straping him in while I went over to passenger side

The drive home wasn't long about 10 minutes
Once we got home I went and prepared dinner while Alex played with leon in the living room
I made me and alex some shepherd's pie and leon some Dino nuggies with chips since he's a picky eater

"Boys dinners ready"i called like a mum from the 50s plating up our food for the night
Within 2 seconds Alex came trotting in the kitchen With leon in his strong arms
"Dino nuggies" leon cheers as alex placed him in his highchair

"Yeah it's tha' Dino nuggies" alex cooed tickling leons cheek smiling at his son
"Ta luv" alex said to me taking his plate from my hands planting a kiss on my cheek making me blush like a teenager

After dinner I bathed leon using his favourite Mr matey bubble bath and a lavender baby one to try and help him sleep more
Alex washed the dishes and prepared leons bed for him

"Is that fun" I laughed at leon who's splashing around in the water of bubbles happy as anything

I took leon out the bath drying him off putting a fresh nappy on him and some pyjamas
"Right come on let's go get daddy" I said picking him up taking him to his room to find alex sitting on leons bed waiting to read him a bedtime story

I placed my son on his bed alex tucking him in letting him get comfortable to read his story
Alex ended up reading leon his favourite 'aliens in underpants'
Hoping he'll fall asleep soon

I stood by the doorframe watching my husband and son bond
Alex pointed out the pictures to leon as they read along
Alex occasionally making a funny voice to leon
"Dada stay" leon pleaded tugging Alex's arm half asleep alex glanced at me mouthing "go to bed" so I did

Within ten minutes alex came to our bedroom with a pleased smile on his face
"Out cold" he whispered-chuckled
"Hopefully it's all night" I replied snuggling under the covers

Alex changed into his pyjamas climbing next to me pulling me closer to him
"God I miss this" he mumbled againt the back of my neck
"Me too" I mumbled back closing my eyes falling asleep

(Alex's pov)
"Dada" a little voice screamed causing me and y/n to jump up from bed alerted
I zoomed to my sons bedroom panicking thinking the worst
"Leon I'm here daddehs here" I gasped moving closer to my son

"What's up" I asked realising that everything is okay
"Monster scary" he cried his little eyes all red his dummy in his mouth
"There's no monsters buddeh daddeh will make sure" I reassured

I checked his room top to bottom even though there's nothing there but to reassure leon
"Mama" leon sobbed rubbing his eyes
"Leon yeh need teh sleep in yer own room now" I sighed
Laying down with him to get him back to sleep

Soon enough he fell back asleep I slowly lifted myself off his bed but as I got to his door he started crying I rolled my eyes and attended to my son again
"Monster dada stay" he mumbled snuggling into me

Y/n entered the room checking everything is OK
"Monsters" I whispered y/n mouthed "oh" nodding exiting the room so I can get the little one back to sleep

About 5 times I tried to leave his room but he kept waking up
I thought and thought until I remembered what helped me to sleep in my own room as a kid
Jogged to mine and my wife's bedroom leaving leons room light on so he's not scared

I went into the little box in the wardrobe and took my old Teddy bear out
Bruce I called him I went back into leans room sitting beside him holding the Teddy

"This is Bruce leon" I introduced leon smiled
"This was daddehs teddeh when he was a babeh and he helped meh be a big boy and sleep in meh own bed" I added
"Now he's gunna help yeh sleep in yours" I smiled giving my son my old Teddy bear

"He keeps all the monsters awaeh now you might not see it but he does and he told meh he'll make sure yer safe and yeh will grow big and strong"i stated leon nodded Laying his little head on the pillow cuddling the Teddy

I stayed until he fell asleep and went to my bed
"Is he asleep" y/n asked I nodded
"Gave him meh old teddeh said he makes sure he's safe and he fights the monsters" I shrugged shuffling into bed exhausted
"I love yeh" I sighed closing my eyes with y/ns head nuzzled into the crook of my neck
"I love you more my monster fighter" she giggled

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