Fun fair my arse

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"Come on babeh it'll beh fun"my boyfriend Alex said
He's been trying to persuade me to go to the fun fair today I wasn't feeling like going but Alex gave me those puppy dog eyes that I couldn't say no to
"Fine dickhead"I gave in
"Yeah"he beamed like a child I rolled my eyes

Don't get me wrong I love fun fairs to a certain extent I hated the rides that go up in the air making you think your going to die where as Alex loved them
"Get readeh then"Alex giggled I let out a small groan finding my shoes

"Let's go then"I said Alex grabbed my hand practically dragging me to his car
"Hurreh up y/n"he rush into the driver's seat
"Okay okay"I chuckled

I looked out into Sheffield from Alex's car window lost in thought nothing special just prying i won't get dragged onto a roller coaster or something
Alex had one hand on my knee while he's driving "I'm no' gunna drag yeh on a roller coaster"he spoke I let out a sigh of relief
"I'm draggin yeh on loads"he let out a chuckle

I groaned "why are you so mean"I whined Alex only laughed
"I hate you"I mumbled Alex turned to me
"No yeh don't"Alex smirked making me try and hide a smile
"Dickhead"I gave in

After about an hour of driving we finally made it to the fun fair
The loud music coming from each ride all upbeat techno music
Kids running around mad making me smile

"Alright since yer a big scardeh weh start wif bumper cars"Alex teased but in reality that's what I wanted to go on
"Let's go then"I grabbed his hand dragging him to the bumper cars

I sat on a red bumper car while Alex sat on a blue one some other people got on different ones
Then beeping noses began signalling as a countdown to start

I pressed my foot on the pedal immediately charging for Alex he was already charging for me with a smirk on his face
I turned before Alex could bump into me immediately bumping into a man and his son I felt so awkward in that moment all I heard was Alex's laugh

A few minutes past Alex didn't notice me I bump right infront of him giggling
"Oh yer in for it now"he chuckled
He made a turn  while I turned the opposite direction

Alex was behind me kept bumping into me making me jolt forward
"Alex"I yelled laughing Alex laughter filled the bumper cars

Everything stopped meaning it was time to get off
As I tried to get on the bumper car I nearly fell back inside it Alex grabbed me just in time
"My legs are like jelly cause you kept bumping into me"I chuckled Alex grew a smirk
"Not like that you perv"I laughed

We went on more rides like the twister and the drop zone that I got a big scared on
There was a ride that looked like a claw that swung up in the air looking like it would flip all the way round 'extreme' it was called
"Come in this one wif mEh"Alex pleaded I instantly shook my head in fear

"No no Alex"I said aggressively shaking my head Alex laughed at my fear on heights
"I'll protect yeh"he smirked
"Come on babeh it's a fun fair have fun"he chuckled I giggled rolling my eyes
"Fun fair my arse"i mumbled
"Hurry up then before I change my mind"I said

Alex held my hand while we waited in the queue we were next to go on I felt the fear growing I began biting my nails leaning my weight on my feet swaying Alex obviously noticed this
"If yeh don't wanna go on yeh don't have teh"Alex reassured
"Alex you wanted me to go on and it's a bit too late now we're on"i laughed nervously

"Plus I need to get over the fear"i said taking a seat on the ride Alex sat next me holding my hand more people got on some were as feared as me some were happy
The guy came over making sure we were properly strapped in

We waited patiently on the ride to start I felt my leg shaking Alex placed a hand on my knee comforting me
"It's alright if yeh get scared close yer eyes"he said I felt the ride began to move
It span as the floor moved down as the ride span and began to swing

I was fine I started to relax but as it got higher my grip on Alex's hand got tighter and my squeezed my eyes shut
Alex was cheering happily I must've look stupid to whoever saw me

I eventually grew the balls to open my eyes to see I was like 100ft up in the air it was like in the cartoons were you see how high i actually was then the ground comes closer to me then zooms out to look higher than it was

I decided not to close my eyes again despite how badly I wanted to but luckily the ride was starting to stop I started to relax
'Okay you made it your not dead' I mentally said to myself

The ride finally made it to the ground the floor rose back up
The safety strap bounce off everyone I hoped off my legs feeling shaky mixed with the rush of adrenaline
"Yeh alright"Alex asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders
"It wasn't that bad"I shrugged trying to play it cool
"Yeh had yer eyes shut through most of it"Alex chuckled

"Can we go again"i asked Alex eyes went wide he didn't expect me to say this
"Yeah come on"Alex smiled as we queued up again

This time I kept my eyes open mine and Alex's hand in the air interlocked
"This is so much fun"I yelled smiling
Alex turned to look at me chuckled he brought my hand down to place a kiss on it making me blush

When we got off night began to rise me and Alex went to a food stall and ordered chips with tomato sauce to share
"Yeh wanna go on the fairs wheel next the lights are up"Alex said I nodded

After we ate we queued for the wheel my head rested on his shoulder smiling
We entered the fairs wheel Alex had an arm around me my head on his shoulder as the wheel took off the fluorescent lights of the fun fair making the atmosphere seem calming and appealing

Alex placed a kiss on top of my head
"I luv yeh"Alex smiled my eyes went wide this is the first time he said this
"Really"I asked smiling
"Of course I luv yeh y/n"he smiled
"I love you Alex"i beamed hugging him then placing a kiss on his lips
"You really are a helpless romantic"i chuckled
"Yeh kno' mEh teh well"he smirked

Alex Turner one shots (includes smut)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin