train rides (part 4)

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I woke up shivering I sat up my body bare the coldness of winter seeping throughout the house
I got out of bed quickly grabbing a sweatshirt and bottoms

It was still dark outside the window was open slightly I tiptoed over to close it making sure not to wake alex up
Gently closing the window cringing my face trying to keep quiet but my luck the handle made a noise making my eyes shoot wide and my head snap over to the man sleeping in my bed

Luckily alex did even move god he's a deep sleeper
I tiptoed back to my side of the bed slipping under the covers
I felt an arm drape over my waist pulling me closer
"Did I wake you" I whispered my head laying on the pillow alex snuggling his head into the crook of my neck

"Not realleh" he mumbled closing his eyes
"Sorry I had to close the window it was cold" I softly chuckled Alex doing the same
"Tha's probableh cause yeh have no clothes on" he joked
"Says you who's still naked" I teased
"Nope got meh boxers on" he lifted his head up with a sleepy smirk on his face

"Wha' times it" Alex sleepily asked nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck
"5:00AM" I replied closing my eyes again

(Few hours later)
"AWW you two are so cute" a voice beamed I jumped up startled by my mother who stood by my door still drunk from the night before
"Mum what are you doing here" I asked
"Told you you two make a good couple" my mum smirked pointing to a sleeping alex beside me

"Mum let me sleep" I groaned laying myself back down
"Okay but no shagging when I'm here me and your dad's going back out bye sweetie" she slurred

"Remember no grandkids just yet" she added closing my room door
"For fuck sake" I sighed hearing the front door close
I felt Alex move around beside me
"Yeh alright" he Mumbled with a yawn
"Yeah my mum stopped by" I whispered my eyes closed my arms drapped over my eyes

"Sheh still drunk" alex asked with a chuckle I hummed a yes
"She's away back out don't know where but I reckon she's living it up" I giggled I felt alex shift around on the bed I didn't pay much attention to it my eyes still closed my arm still drapped over my eyes

I kept drifting to sleep for a few seconds then waking back up I just gave up on going back to sleep moving my arm away from my eyes Sighing
"What" I asked seeing alex laying on his stomach staring at me
"Nofing" he mumbled his eyes still fixed on me
"Why are staring" I asked with a chuckle
"Because yer Vereh pretteh" he smiled making me blush

"Stop" I said in embarrassment alex "awwed" and continued to give me compliments to make me blush
"Right let's get some grub then" I stated getting out of bed earning a "yep" from alex him following me into the kitchen

Entering the kitchen alex sat on the counter while I grabbed ingredients from the fridge for breakfast
"So wha' yeh doin on the 6th" alex asked I placed the tray of eggs on the counter glancing at him
"Nothing that I'm aware of why" I replied
"Fanceh comin teh meh birfdaeh then" he said with a smirk on his face
"Yeah alright" I smiled Alex slid off the counter then stood behind me

I cracked the eggs into a Pot alex wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder
"I had fun last night" he mumbled softly I couldn't help but blush like a teenager
"So did I" I said alex then placed a soft kiss on my cheek
"Would yeh like teh go out sometime this week" alex then asked
"I'd like that alot" I answered alex then placed his finger under my chin tilting my head to kiss my lips

His lips were soft despite them looking chapped his hand cupped my cheek the other on my waist pulling me closer so my back was pressed against his chest
We continued to kiss until we had to pull away for air but we ended up giggling locking eyes with each other

A few hours later after we had breakfast we watched some TV in my room just cuddling telling some stories from the past enjoying each others company but they say time flys by then your having fun

My parents came home sober now but that didn't stop their teasing making me and alex blush bright red with embarrassment
Alex announced that he's going to head home I walked him outside since I need a cigarette

"So wha' yeh doin on Tuesday" alex asked scratching the back of his neck
"Nothing that can think about" I chuckled
"How about weh go on tha' date then" he smiled I nodded my head finishing my cig
"I'd love to" I said blowing the smoke out

Me and alex said our goodbyes to eachother I watched alex figure slowly disappear down the street I went back inside to be teased more by my mum and dad for the next week this is going to be fun
Sorry I haven't posted in a while college has me stressed with assessments but now their all done I can focus on writing again there will be a part 5 most likely be the last part of this mini series
-kaitlyn xxx

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