Puppy love

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Alex just came back from tour with a bright idea to get a dog I was excited I always wanted a dog but my parents never letted me as a kid now I'm with Alex we can get one

"Babeh"Alex called from the settee he paused what he was watching on the telly which was match of the day
"Yes" I replied
"Let's get a dog right now" he said
"Like now now" I asked raising an eyebrow
"Yes now now" he chuckled
"Ok" I said grabbing my shoes as we headed out I didn't bother with a jacket since it was scorching in L.A

We were driving to the dog shelter and we were talking about names and what kind of dog we want
"I want a pitbull" I said giggling
"But if weh go teh the uk weh can't take it" Alex said chuckling I realised they weren't aloud in the Uk
"Then a staffie" I said chuckling

We pulled up at the dog shelter and we made our way in hand and hand
A man came out and greeted us
"Hello welcome to paws dog shelter I'm Paul how may I help you today" he beamed
"Hello I'm Alex and this is mEh girlfriend Y/N we were looking to adopt a dog if possible" Alex asked taking his sunglasses off his eyes and slicking his quiff back
"Yes come this way" Paul said we followed him

There where loads of dogs there to choose from we were looking at them all they were so cute but there was one dog in particular a Staffordshire bull terrier it was a brindle one I fell in love with it
"Alex look"i beamed lightly smacking his arm to get his attention
"What" he asked
Paul noticed I had my eyes on this dog
"Ah that's Sasha she's just turned one a few weeks ago" he explained
"She's beautiful isn't she Alex" I said looking at her in complete awe
"Sheh is" he nodded

"You interested in her" Paul asked
"Yes" me and Alex said at the same time
"Great we'll get you to sign some forms and get some stuff and she's all yours" Paul said we nodded
I signed the papers aswell as Alex and quickly made our way to the nearest pet store and got everything we needed maybe a bit more
And went to pick our new addition to the family up

Once we got to the dog shelter Paul was there with Sasha
"Have fun with her" Paul said
"Don't worreh she's in safe Hands" Alex said smiling
We sat her in the back seat as we drove back home
"I'm so happy" I blurted out
"MEh too she's so cute" Alex said smiling
"She is" I agreed

Once we were home we set everything up for Sasha she took to the house quite quickly
Which I was glad at

At night me and Alex were cuddling in bed watching a movie and Sasha stood at the door wanted to sit with us
I looked at Alex
"Alright" he said with a chuckle I sat up
"Come on baby up up" I said in a weird voice you usually say to a pet patting the bed Sasha jumped on the bed at mine and Alex's feet

"I definitely can get used to this" I said felling my eyes shutting and kissed the top of my head as I drifted into my slumber

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