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Rosie's POV

When Lisa started to run. I followed her but Jisoo is stopping me from doing so.

"Jisoo please, Let go of me. She needs me please" I was begging her to let me go.

"I want to follow her too. But she needs time alone Rosie" Jisoo hugged me while caressing my back.

"But it's Lisa. She needs me" I continued sobbing.

"I know shhh" Jisoo comforts me, Yza started caressing my back too.

"What's going on?" Yza asked worriedly.

I pulled away on Jisoo to grab my phone to dialed Connor's number.

After two rings he answered.

"Connor, connor please tell me, you and Robert are tailing Lisa. Please" Connor didn't respond on my question. But I saw him approaching our direction. I run towards him.

"Connor, where is she? Why are you here?" I started asking him.

"Señorita, calmed dowm. Robert is on watched on Señorita Lisa, I was here because my job is to looked after you three. Specially Señorita Jennie, If it's okay to you. Let me drive you home".

"Connor, it's fine. I'll drive Rosie home. I brought my car with me. Take Jennie home instead" Jisoo utter still caressing my back.

"I'll let Tyler and Carl on watched by you two. You need to understand that this is our job".

Jennie approached our direction. She's crying her eyes out too, I can't get mad on her.

"I-i'm so sorry" Her voice cracked. I hugged her to comfort her.

"Shhh. I'm sorry, don't worry, Lisa will be fine" I comfort her while there's still me worrying for my best friend.

"Why are you not mad at me?" Her voice still cracked because of crying.

"I'm not Lisa. I'm not in the right position to judge you without hearing your side. What's going on between you two is out of my business. I was just worried on my bestfriend. That is why i'm being like this".

"I'm so sorry. So sorry" I pulled away.

"Go home Jennie, you need to rest. Let Connor take you home. Trust him. He was Lisa's trusted bodyguard. She assigned him to keep an eye on you whenever she wasn't around to protect you" Her eyes widened. She faced Connor.

"You are watching everything about me so ... so y-you know" She was still in shocked, Connor looked down "And you didn't bother telling her" She cried harder again.

"I'm sorry Señorita, but my job is to keep an eye on you for you to be safe and to make sure you get home safe. What's going on between you is not a part of my job. So I was not on the right position to meddle" Connor still looking down.

Connor knew all along

But he still keep his job

Jennie just sob harder.

"Stop it Jennie. Your tears won't change the fact that you already hurt her" We can sense Jisoo is the one who's mad here "Let's go" She dragged me along with her.

I saw Tyler and Carl's motorcycle waiting for us.

As soon as we reached Jisoo's car she drove off immediately to get me home. I bid my thank you to her and I saw Carl followed her car.

I was still trying to contact Lisa but her phone is out of reached.

Where are you lisa?

I'm worried about you!

Please be safe!

Please come home safely!


Lisa's POV

I just drove to somewhere I don't know. My car brought me to an open space where you can see the whole city.

I was suffocated from crying hard so I run outside for some air. As soon as the air touched my skin I let out my sobs.



"WHY ME?!".



"WHY?!" My knees tremble resulting me to fell on the cold ground. I felt someone caressing my back. So I looked over.

"Robert" It was my bodyguard. I started crying out loud. He enveloped me in his arms.

"Shhh let it out Señorita. I'll be here" He said comforting me. He just remained silent all the time. He let me cry my eyes out. He was just caressing my back to comfort me.

"Why me?".
"Why me robert?!".
"Am I really that hard to love?".
"I did everything to be worthy to her".
"But why is it still not enough?".
"WHY?!" I was just crying on his arms.

I just let it all out that night. I passed out on Robert's arms without me knowing.

When I woke up I was already on my rest house. Robert really knows where to take me. As soon as I get up on my bed, I headed downstairs to our kitchen.

"Ija Lili, you're awake. Come breakfast is ready" My grammy Cecil welcomed me. She was my babysitter since I was still little. She takes care of me like her owned child. I sat then she started serving my plate.

"Thank you grammy" I hugged her from her waist. She tapped my head.

"Always welcome Lili. Always for you" She even gave me a kissed on my head.

Robert sat acrossed my seat with a coffee on his hand and a newspaper.

"Señorita, I already cancelled your appointment for today so you can rest. Just tell me if you want to take another day or week off".

"No Robert, just today is fine. I just needed to rest for the day. You know me" I started digging on my food like nothing happened last night. Looks like my tears were already dry from my outburst last night so it's already tired.

"Please text Rosie that I was fine so she wouldn't get worried about me" Robert nodded in response "Grammy have you all eaten?" Referring to the helpers and bodyguards on my rest house. Grammy just nodded at me.

"Do you want a coffee? Señorita?" Robert asked lifting his cup. I nodded.

"Yes please. Thank you" He rosed on his seat to brew me a coffee. He already knows what I want for my coffee.

I'm still hurting!

But I can't freeze my life just because I was heartbroken

I already cried my eyes out last night

I'll try again on the other time

But for now, I don't want to see her

I am still not ready to face her

Just not now!

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