Daddy's work

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Lisa's POV

I was finishing my sketch when I heard soft knocks on my bedroom door, revealing Drake, as he peeked at my door.

"Lis-" I quickly shush him because Jennie is still sound asleep, I instructed him to wait me outside, he nodded then he closes the door silently.

I lifted Jennie's arm carefully not to wake her, I hid back the sketch pad, I closes the curtains too cause it's shining bright from the sunlight and silently leave the room.

I saw Drake drinking coffee with Robert at the dining.

"Drake" As I sit acrossed him.

"Sorry to disturbed you this early, but you mentioned to me yesterday that you are calling out for a gathering today with the employees of the cellar, but Robert informed me that you are not feeling well, do you want me to cancel the me-" I cutted him.

"No, i'm fine now. What time did you schedule the gathering?" Robert handed me a cofffee I just thank him.

"Lunch, I call out for a little cathering too for us to have lunch together with the employees" He said.

"Thank you Drake" he just nodded.

"No biggie, by the way, who was with you?" He gave me a playful grin.

"Jennie" I simply uttered while sipping in my coffee.

"Is she new?" He curiously utter.

"Nope" his eyes widen.

"Oohh, would you introduced me to her? I mean she must be really special for you to let her sleep in your bed. I mean you didn't let anyone sleep beside you unless it's--" He was cuts in his mid sentence as if he remembers something.

"Is she your ex?" He blinked a few times, I didn't bother answering him "Holy fuck, you get back together already?" His eyes widen in conclusions.

"Where is the garhering be held?" Changing the topic.

"At the cellar of course ... hey you didn't answer my question yet. Don't change the topic" I rosed up from my seat "Hey, you don't do that to me. Answer my-" He is almost yelling.

"Keep it down, you might wake her up. She's tired. She needed a rest. I'll see you later at cellar, Drake" As I glared at him, he acted as if he was zipping his mouth, I started to walked at my bedroom again.

"Señorita" before I turned the doorknob open, Robert called out for me. I faced him "Connor informed me that, Señorita Jennie didn't even bring any clothes with her. Just her passport and the purse indicating her phone and some stuffs with her" I shook my head.

Were you that worried about me?

You really didn't think wise when you decided to followed me here

"Thanks Robert" He nodded at me then he leave already, I proceeded to enter my room, Jennie is still sound asleep. I sat at my side earlier, facing her she is now hugging a pillow.

"Did you even informed your parents that you are here?" I blurted infront of her sleeping state "Or did Jisoo and Rosie knows you are here?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"You really did this just for me? Am I worth it?" I know she won't answer this because she is still sleeping, hearing her soft snores made me confident that she won't hear me say this things.

"Are you that confident that I am still so fond of you? Were you be able to take responsibility of my heart again?" I caressed her hair.

"Cause really, I think I am losing my heart again" I sighed."Thank you, for this" I proceeded to the bathroom to fix myself, I need to prepare for the gathering later.

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