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Jennie's POV

"I'm sorry".

"I'm sorry for making you cry again" She cupped my face to wiped my tears.

"I am willing to give my heart to you again, Jennie" She smiled genuinely to me "I don't want you to promise that you won't break it again, or you won't do anything to hurt me. There will be times that we might hurt each other in some way. We can't jump into what will happen in the future" She chuckles, as I continued crying in here hearing her.

"I am making myself ready for all the possibilities if I ever gave you my heart again, so yes Jennie. You can have my heart again. Can you continue loving me?" She asked, I vigorously nodded and jump on her to hugged her.

"Thank you, I love you, Lisa. I really do. Thank you and i'm sorry. So sorry" I continued hugging her tightly while crying hard in her shoulder while she was just caressing my back.

"Hush bow baby, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just let out the pain I am carrying all alone. I wanted you to realised how deep and how dark in me you are trying to dive into. And yet you are still here, wanting me to give you my heart" I felt her kissing the side of my head and shoulder.

"You can have it, so please stop crying already. If ever uncle Chris see you like this because of me, he might kill me" She chuckles, and that triggered me to pulled away and chuckled as well.

"You feared dad that much?" I asked softly, she supported me to get up and sit beside her on the couch, she nodded vigorously.

"Yes, The first time I met him when I am so dumb waiting for you outside to kill your lights out, I was trembling in my knees when he darted me a judging looked, I find it hard to stand on my knees out of fear that I am indeed facing the father of my 3 years girlfriend for the first time" she shook her head while a smile crepe in her lips remembering her and daddy first met.

"I can't stand on my owned knees facing your father. All my confidence in me jolted out when I was facing him already. I mean I didn't know how would I introduced myself to him" I held her hands, and softly kissing it while just listening to her.

"It feared me too, when he first knew from my mouth that I was your girlfriend for almost 3 years, I saw mixed emotion from his face back then. I thought he will slapped me or hurt me in some ways, but what feared me is when he said that I was no good for you, that I should be gone for your life. For good".

Dad did that?

"But I didn't let my guard down, I was so determined for him to see how serious I am to you. After that I came into your house everynight, not for the same reason just looking out your window, but I was so determined to get his approval even though, I already have you back then" She laughed boasting we were already girlfriends.

"But your father's approval is important to me when it comes to you, I know how a father love his child, a daughter to be precise. Because that's what my father showed me back then, so I pursuaded him every night or so, I even boast to him how rich I was, hoping he'll consider that your future is secured when you ended up to me" She grinned, so I slapped her arms playfully, knowing that dad will get blinded with her luxury.

"I'm just kidding" She laughed again "But really, I did my best for his sweetest yes, I gained that myself without you knowing, with you unaware that I was pursuading your father myself made me so full of myself that I did everything without your help" She even winked at me, boasting. I just shook my head in disbelief

"You know, I am not the type to be dressed when it comes to such day, but every night I come to visit him. I am so dressed that I myself is surprised how hard I tried to impressed him" She laughed again, as she yawned.

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