Drunken Ass

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Jennie's POV

I woke up as soon as the sunlight that peeking on the hotel glass window hit my face, when I tried to open my eyes the throbbing pain in my head is too much to handle that I shut my eyes closed again.

Ugh! Why did I drink too much last night?

When I moved my hand as I was trying to rub my faced I noticed that I am hugging something comfy, so I tried to open my eyes again.

My eyes widened in shocked as I realized that I was hugging Lisa's waist from behind.

She's facing her back to me but her breathing is still steady.

I'm guessing she is still in deep slumber

I found myself smiling from our current position, we used to do this back then, I am always happy whenever I am cuddling with her. With her addicting scent, and how our body is so fit with each other. So instead of withrawing my hands off her.

I moved even closer to her back tightening my hold on her waist but still careful not to wake her up.

I missed this!

I am savoring the little moment I have while sniffing her scent.

I won't get tired of pursuing you to get back at me

All I have to do is to wait

I know you still love me like what you confessed

You are drunk that time but I know you are telling the truth

This time I won't break your trust and specially your heart

You already did your part, now it's time for me to do mine

But a part of me is afraid that you won't give me another chance

But still

You will always have a big part in my heart

My great love

"I've missed you so much" I whispered still hugging her tightly from behind "I used to do this back then whenever I was the first one to be awake" I moved my face to sniffed her hair "You are still as huggable as my pillow" I let out a small giggle, careful not to wake her "Let me stay like this for a while" I closed my eyes pressing my body more on her behind. Her breathing is still steady indicating she is still asleep "I love you" I whispered still "I always do".

I stayed for a while before I decided to pulled away and head to the bathroom to shower.

Ugh! I stink from the alcohol I drunk last night

What did I ended up getting wasted?

How did I even got here?

I looked over the mirror to see my disheveled hair.

I looked like I got into fight! Badly!

I found a face towel in the sink that was still wet, I can also see red marks on it, maybe a lipstick stain. I noticed the shirt I was wearing is not the same as what I was wearing last night.

And this is probably not mine

I sniffed the cloth, it has Lisa's scent

Did she? Did she changed my clothes?

My cheeks automatically heated up by the thought, I tried to slap my face slightly to wake me fully even I was already, then I noticed her shirt that was hanging at the back of the door, by the looks of it, she washed it because it was still a bit wet.

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