White Rose

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Jennie's POV

The next morning she didn't bother visiting the cafe again so just like yesterday, I decided to deliver it personally to her.

Before I headed to her company building, I saw a flower shop beside so I decided to checked the flowers first, then a white rose flower caught my attention. It was so bright and clean.

I picked one and even tried to sniffed the scent.

"White rose represents, purity and clean intention" I looked at the person who talked, it was an elderly women smiling brightly at me when she notices that I picked up the white rose, she may be the vendor.

"Hello Ma'am" I bowed greeting.

"Good Morning, I mean the white rose you are holding, represents purity and clean intentions" ohh.

"Then i'll take it" I smiled back at her, She smiled again after taking the rose in my hand, she cuts some thorn and even placed half of it to a clear plastic then handed it to me right away.

"May your intention noticed to whom you were giving it to" I smiled brightly to her after paying for the rose, I bid my goodbye as I headed her company building.

As I reached her office floor, Kyla from the front desk greeted me morning, so as Luna who is fixing her hair early in the morning.

"Miss Jennie" She stood up as soon as she saw me.

"Is she inside already?" I asked, she shook her head.

"She wasn't still".


I lifted the coffee, paper bag and rose in my hand, getting permission to enter her office, Luna just nodded at me.

I can assure her that I will just placed these on her table, as soon as I entered her office her soothing perfume occupied my nostril.

I arranged my package on her table along side with the white rose, as usual I left a note at her coffee.

I soon exited her office and bid my goodbye to Luna before the lion comes, as long as I wanted to see her today, I can't bare to see her blank face early in the morning hehe, I greeted Kyla goodbye too when I passed her desk, I quickly get back on the cafe to do my stuffs, i'll come back when lunch came.

Lisa's POV

As I parked my car at the parking, guards greeted me morning, I just nodded at them and at the other employee too who passes by me and headed to my office.

Luna greeted me as usual in her bubbly aura, when I entered my office, I can already smell the aroma of coffee and some flower, and when I reached my desk, I saw my daily dose coffee, 2 cupcakes that I dunno the flavor this time, but I supposed it was just chocolate, and a white rose?.

Why would she give me a white rose?

I know it was her, because of the label of the coffee cup

I noticed a note in the coffee.

'Lovely morning, for a lovely lady. White rose symbolizes purity and clean intentions

Ps. That's as per the rose vendor hehe. I'll come back before lunch. See ya :3'

I shook my head in disbelief, I thought what I acted yesterday will scare her to stop already. As usual, I kept the note in my drawer.

I don't know why i'm keeping that, though I should throwing it out

I didn't waste the coffee and cupcake.

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