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Lisa's POV

As soon as the plane take off, I wasted no time to get to my cellar, to look for the damaged that cause by the fire, I then opened my phone as soon as I exited the airport.

"Señorita" One of my bodyguard from Spain greeted me when I reached the car they provided to fetched me, I just nodded at him and quickly get inside.

I got a phone call from Drake

"How is it?" I started.

"The fire already stopped a few hours ago. Were you on the way?".

"Yeah, i'll be there half an hour, I guess".

I hanged the call right away.

"Señorita, You can rest first, we'll wake you up once we arrive" Robert says, I just nodded at him.

I was awoken by a soft nudge, it was Robert saying we arrive at the cellar.

I can now see the damanged, I fixed myself before I stepped out of the car, media's are all over the place, probably waiting for my arrival, some of the employees are also here, worrying at what happened, fire fighthers are not seen on the scene anymore since the fire is already down, but I was surprise to see some policeman too.

"You don't have to answer their questions" Robert referring to the media's, I wear my glasses before I head out completely, bodyguards are scatterred and quickly blocked the media as soon as I was sight.

"Ms. Manoban? Any comment on what happened?"
"Ms. Manoban? rumors are spreading that the fire was intentional"
"Ms. Manoban? How big is damaged?"
"Ms. Manoban? How will you deal with this?"
"Ms. Manoban? -"
I just continue walking at the hallway without minding their questions.

"Lisa" Drake approached me as soon as I enter the hallway, some investors are already here, executives are already gathered.

"What happened?" I asked Drake.

"How are you going to handle this huge problem?" Suddenly one of the investor frustratingly utter.

I frowned on his question.

"I'm sorry to be rude, but as you can see, I just arrived. I probably had no idea what had happened here. So I can't answer your obvious question for now without knowing what happened and how much the damaged have caused" They all looked shocked by what attitude I showed them, but their worries are still stronger.

"Look, you can all go home for now. I'll see what I can do here and i'll update you right away if I cleared my mind" I sighed, they were speechless.

"This is tough for me too, this is my father's blood and sweat. And this is where I stored my cellar and my father's. I understand your worries and I appreciate your concern. But please, I am already under pressure right now. You should all calm down, I am trying to get a hold of myself as of the moment. As you can see if the damaged is really big. It will be a big loss only for me. We all signed the same contract, that says whatever happened, the company will settle all. So I am not sure where you are all coming from. I appreciate the effort and thank you for the concern, I can assure you that my team and myself will handle this issue. Thank you" I didn't wait for their response and headed to my office.

"Clear out the area" As I was massaging my temple, Robert place a bottled water in my desk so I quickly grabbed it and gulped the inside.

Minutes passed when Drake came in my office.

"The area is already cleared" He said, I rosed from my seat and headed directly at the storage room where the fire started.

"Are there someone injured, perhaps?" I asked with worry.

Drake shook his head "Gratefully, none" I nodded.

"You don't really have to worry, 20 percent was damaged at the front, the fire fighters were quickly responded".

"My cellars?" I asked.

"I didn't give any informations from the executives and investors earlier. Because I am waiting for you" I looked at him and I see a relief smile on his lips.

"Your cellars and specially your father's are now secured" I arched my brow.

"Remember, you gave us intructions last 2 weeks that you are considering to present the world your father's brewed, specially the 41 years stored?" I nodded.

"Since the time you gave instructions we started to travel them little by little at the factory, for it to be ready to present in a wine bottle. Turns out all of your father's cellar are already transferred at the factory" He smiled, That was a big reliefed on my heart.

Good thing!

"And as per your cellar, we managed to secured most of your owned brewed, because the fire started at the front, most of your aged cellar are stored in the back of the storage room, the employees are quick to used the back door for the cellar to be secured".

Oh god! Thank god!

"The damaged is just a piece, but as you can see, it will take time to recover the storage, the other one is already full, but we are trying to find a solution. And as for the fire, the police are starting to investigate the case. You know how we are strict here. Specially where fire is included" I just nodded at him.

"You should rest, you travel far. I'm sorry if I rushed you here. I panicked, all I can think is for you to know what happened here before you heard about it from others".

"Thank you Drake, I appreciate the effort, really. We'll handle this. But yeah, I think I needed to rest first. Meet me tomorrow here and also the employees, who managed to risk their lives just for my cellars" He smiled at me as I hugged him.

Drake is a friend of mine, he was actually the one I trusted with my biggest cellar here in Spain since their families business is the cellar itself, they were made of bamboo. My father was actually the one who made a deal with his father. But as time goes by, he was quick to managed their families business. He was one of my childhood friend too. So I had my full trust on him.

I headed to my rest house here at Spain for me to get a rest.

"Señorita, do you want me to prepare a food for you?" Robert asked when we enter the rest house.

"No, thank you Robert, i'll head to my room" He nodded at me.

Suddenly I don't feel well

I think I might catch a fever

I slumped myself in bed, not minding to change my clothes.


I was awoken when I felt something cold damping in my face, with a half lided eyes, I saw Robert.

"Señorita, how are you feeling? Don't worry your nurse is on the way" He smiles then he placed the face towel at my forehead, I dozed off to sleep again.

I don't have any idea how long was I sleeping, but my body is heavy that I couldn't get up.

I was awoken again by something trying to lift my head.

I was a light sleeper, yes

I am still in a dazed, I don't think I was really awake, my vision is a bit blurry, I just saw someone infront of me trying to change my clothes.

Jennie, how I wish

If this is a dream I don't want to wake up anymore

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