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Jennie's POV

I did what they told me to do, I let Connor take me home that night. Kai insisted on taking me home but I refused. I feel guilty knowing I hurted her.

Yes, I'm cheating over her

For the past two months already

I've been with kai, and I feel happy around him

But now? All I wanted is to see lisa and wiped her tears

I saw her shed tears that night and it's all because of me

Becaue of my stupidity!

She didn't utter any words. I expected her to get mad infront of me but she was just silent the whole time

I wanted to talked and followed her, but there's this something stopping me to get closer to her

Afraid that I will hurt her even more

I was locking myself up here on my bedroom, I didn't go to work. Before Connor took me home that night I asked him to take me to Lisa's penthouse. Hoping she'll be there.

I wanted to see her. I don't care whatever she do to me

I just wanted to see her

But like what I expected she's not in her penthouse, I even tried reaching her phone but I couldn't reached it. Three days without seeing or hearing anything from her feels like hell to me.

I tried asking her close friends too but they said they have no idea where she is also. My only source is Rosie she doesn't have anything from her whereabout too but all she knows is Lisa is fine as per her bodyguards. She didn't even bother talking to her bestfriend too. Looks like Lisa is avoiding everyone now. Connor won't tell me her whereabout so I didn't continued bugging him asking. The only person I know that I can leaned on is Jisoo, but she's avoiding me too. I know I hurted her too because of what I did. But she is still my bestfriend she should atleast hear me out.

Kai has been trying to reached me out too but I was avoiding him too. I felt sorry for him too. But I was more concerned about Lisa now.

I hurt my Lisa

I don't know what's happenning to me too

All I know is I got tired

I found the love and happiness towards Kai, because I got blinded

I heard someone knocking on my door but I ignored it. The way I ignored them for the past three days already. It's my family, I know they are worried for me too. But they didn't know about my relationship with Lisa. That's the thing I regretted the most. Afraid that my father won't accept us. Accept Lisa and specially me being gay.

"Unnie, can you come out at least? Just eat please" That's my sister Yeri, my family has been trying to reached out for me for the past three days too. But all I wanted to talk is her. I wanted to say sorry and begged her to forgive me. I will do anything for her forgiveness.

"I'll leave the tray here. Please eat at least, we are worried for you unnie" After that I heard footsteps going far.

Still I didn't bother going up to get that food. I cried my eyes out and still trying to reached for her.

I missed you hon

I'm so sorry

My tears started to fall again as soon as I foresee her face that night crying her eyes out without utterring any words.

Couple of minutes past when I heard another knocked on my door "Honey? Kai is downstairs. He's looking for you" I didn't response.

I don't want to see him for now

"Honey, he's been going back and fort here. Just at least talk to him even for a minute" My mom is begging me to get up and talk to him.

Yes, I introduced them Kai

And they've been nice to him throughout "Honey, I don't know what's happening. All I know is you two need to talk".

Yes mom, but he is not the one I needed to talk to

I thought they'll leave me alone for still not responding but to my surprise.

"Jennie, Open this door now" It was my dad's serious tone. He didn't bother bugging me for the past three days. But him meddling now. "Open this door now. Or i'll break this goddamn door" That startled me. I was hesitant to open the door. But it was my dad. It's not that easy to break his temper. I know he's mad already.

As soon as I opened the door my mom hugged me "Oh honey" I just stayed still, my dad stared at me blankly, Yeri was there too, worriness is written on her face as well.

"Your boyfriend is waiting for you downstairs" My dad is using his stern voice towards me indicating that he's done with my show. With Kai's often visit here they already think that Kai is my boyfriend which is somehow true. Because they didn't know about Lisa.

"Yeri, please tell him to go" Yeri just nodded and went downstairs. My mom guided me to sit at my bed alongside with her.

"Honey, did you two fight? Are you alright?" My mom caressing my back, I didn't respond on her, I just averted my gaze.

Long silent bugged us three until Yeri got back saying Kai already left.

"This isn't about him" My dad's breaking the silence. I looked up to him.

"This is about Lisa" My eyes widened.

What? How?

How did he knows about her?

He seems to notice my disbelief "You want to know when and where I met her?" I just stared at him with still widened eyes "Fix yourself, eat. I'll tell you everything you wanted to know how I met her" Then he dashed out on my room. I'm still in shocked on what he said, that leave my mouth slightly agaped.

"Honey, I don't know about her but she seems important seeing your reaction. Do what your father told. We'll wait you downstairs" My mom kissed my forehead before she leaves my room. Yeri put the tray of food in my bedside table then she smiled at me weakly before she heads out my room.

It took me for a couple of minutes to did what I was told still can't believed that my dad knows Lisa.

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