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Jennie's POV

After I ate and took a shower I head downstairs to meet my family. I was trembling when I reached our living. Dad is reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee in his hand. Mom and Yeri is there too, probably waiting for me.

My mom guided me to sit down beside her and acrossed my dad. My hands is trembling, my mom seems to notice my shaky hands so she placed her hand above mine.

My dad cleared his throat before putting down the newspaper he was holding.

"Before I tell you what I know about her. Tell us what is your relationship with her first" That widened my eyes.

I don't know what to say

"She-she's my... my-" I'm stutterring, wondering what would I tell them. They are just listening to me "she's my girlfriend" I heard my mom and Yeri gasped in shocked. But my dad remained unbothered.

"And who's that boy to you?" He is referring to Kai. That gave me a second shocked.

"He's --".

Oh my god

What would I say?

That I was a cheater?

Paddling in two rivers at the same time?

"He's my boyfriend for over 2 months now" My tears began to fall again. My mom and Yeri caressed my back.

"And Lisa?" My dad continued to asked, that made me cried even more.

"We've been for almost 3 years now" My dad nodded. Yeri hand me a tissue to wiped my tears. My mom just stayed caressing my back.

"So Lisa came in first" that's all my dad said nodding in confirmation, when my cries subsided he clears his throat again.

"I already know who she is with you and how long have you been together" My eyes widened again. But I let him continue "I just want you to clarify the things I already know" I remained silent so he continued talking.

"The first time I saw her, it was already midnight that time. You know of my insomia. I always died down time doing nothing to help me sleep".

"The usual night I can't get my sleep I headed to the kitchen to brew a coffee, after that I go to our veranda, that's where I first saw her. She was just staring at our house. She stayed there for a couple of minutes just staring. I considered confronting her that night why is she staring at our house but after a couple of minutes she drove off right away. So I thought maybe she was just lost and came to the wrong house".

"But the next day I saw her again infront. Leaning on her car just staring at our house. I was bothered by that. So I didn't waste any time to confront and asked her. The first time she saw me she was so nervous she doesn't know what to do. So I asked her in a good way. What is she doing infront of my house" he sipped first at his coffee.

"With a trembling hands and a bit stuttering she introduced herself to me. But she didn't said to me that she was your girlfriend that time. She didn't introduced herself being your girlfriend or a friend to any of us. But I threathen her to report to the police for stalking at my house if she wouldn't introduce herself completely. She was so nervous that time. I saw feared in her beautiful doe eyes" He laughed a bit remembering Lisa's face that time. I relaxed knowing his reaction towards Lisa.

"So she was left no choice but to tell me that she was there looking out your window. She also said that she doesn't want to disturb you so she's just staying until you turned off your light. As soon as you turned your lights off that's her call to drove off".

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