Shifting Symptoms

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What are shifting symptoms?

While trying to shift, you may feel or experience things that are not 'normal'. Shifting symptoms are signs that you are getting closer to shifting and are on the right track. These often occur while doing a method, falling asleep, or even meditating, but they may also occur while you are simply going about your day. You may experience the same symptoms as someone else, or you may not; symptoms are unique to you. It must be noted that you DO NOT need symptoms to shift. Even if you feel absolutely nothing while doing a method, there is still the possibility that you will shift. The symptoms listed below are only SOME of the ones that may happen to you! There are way more that are not listed, these are just the most common ones.

Some shifting symptoms during the day:

Seeing angel numbers (111, 333 etc.)

Smelling your DR


Seeing things related to your DR

Feeling disconnected/detached from your CR

Ringing in your ears

Some symptoms while shifting:

Feeling numb or tingly

Feeling as if you are falling/floating

Flashing lights

Hearing voices from your DR

Smelling your DR

Feeling a change in position (eg. From lying down to standing up)

Feeling your surroundings change

Feeling as if you are spinning

Body feels extremely heavy/light

Involuntary twitching

Heart beating fast

Room/bed feels like it is moving or shaking

Feeling someone touch you

Feeling wind on your face

Feeling as if you are being lifted up

Feeling extremely hot/cold

Eyes fluttering/twitching

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