Spirit Guides

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What are spirit guides?

Spirit guides are non-physical beings that work on your behalf to guide your thoughts and energy to the highest vibrational frequencies. Everyone has spirit guides, they can come in different forms, and have different purposes, but they have one main objective; to align you with the universe. By connecting with your spirit guides, you can gain insight and understanding on your life, whether it be for something specific, or something more general.

How you experience your spirit guides:

You can experience your spirit guides in many ways, and you may have already connected with them without even knowing it! One of these forms is inner knowing, where you can sense your guide's presence through a strong intuitive realisation. Your spirit guides may also come to you as sparks of light, or books falling off shelves.

How to connect with your spirit guides:

Connecting with your spirit guides is an important part of forming a relationship with them. There are steps you can take to connect with your spirit guides and form a meaningful relationship with them. The first thing to do is get into the habit of asking your spirit guides for help. They are always there, always listening to you, and by simply asking them for help or insight on a specific issue, you are connecting with them. You can do this by verbally or mentally asking them, or even by writing your issues down on a list and expressing gratitude for the help your spirit guides have given you. When doing this, be specific about the kind of guidance you want to receive; only call in the guides of the highest truth and compassion. Once you have asked for help, you simply have to listen for a reply. You can meditate to quieten your mind in order to clearly receive your spirit guide's message. After meditating, you can get a pen and paper and write an invitation to them. This may be something like "Dear guides of highest truth and compassion, I welcome you to write through me now". Then, simply write whatever flows through you. Don't think about what you are writing, or second guess yourself, just let your guides write through you. Another way to connect with your spirit guides is to ask for a sign. Ask for something specific, so that you know they are there watching out for you! Make sure to vibrate with an energy of gratitude and appreciate everything your spirit guides do for you. Trust in your own ability to connect with your guides. Your intuition is the best way for them to guide you, so always trust it!

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