Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

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What is reprogramming your subconscious mind?

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is a process which results in your subconscious mind having a firm belief in shifting and your ability to successfully shift. Reality shifting is a completely new concept for most people, and so it may be hard to fully believe that shifting is real, let alone the fact that you can do it. Reprogramming your mind starts with creating a new belief, feeding the belief with positivity, and then confirming the belief and closing it so that no matter what, the belief will always remain.

How can it help with shifting?

Hundreds of subconscious beliefs have been ingrained in us since birth. For example, when we were little, we were taught that green means go, and red means stop. This has constantly been confirmed to us as we grew up, and so it has become a belief that we don't even think twice about. However, if shifting was taught to us at an early age as something we could all do, shifting would be so easy! Unfortunately, however, this is not the case, so we have to create and confirm a belief in shifting by ourselves. Reprogramming your subconscious mind does exactly that, and by confirming your belief in shifting, most of your doubts dissolve and you have an extremely positive mindset towards shifting. By reprogramming your subconscious, you can convince yourself that YOU CAN SHIFT!!

How do you reprogram your subconscious mind?

The most common way to reprogram your mind is a 4-day process, and although there are other techniques, this has been the most common and most effective technique so far in the shifting community. Each day of the process focuses on a different aspect of reprogramming your mind.

Day 1: Get a piece of paper and separate it into 2 columns. Write 'beliefs' at the top of one column, and 'non-beliefs' at the top of another column. Fill the beliefs column with your beliefs, it can be as simple as 'I have brown hair', or 'I have one brother'. Then, fill your non-beliefs column with things you don't believe, such as 'I have purple skin'. Once you have done this, read over your beliefs and non-beliefs. Then, add shifting to your beliefs column, and read over the columns again. Manifest that you believe in shifting, whether that be through affirmations, writing it down, or visualising.

Day 2: Meditate as soon as you wake up, for at least 10 minutes. This can be a classic breathing meditation, or a simple guided meditation on YouTube. Throughout the day, say shifting affirmations, and read over your beliefs and non-beliefs again. Right before you go to bed, meditate again, while saying shifting affirmations (either in your head or out loud).

Day 3: Do some research on shifting. Write down basic info about shifting, different methods, tips and tricks etc. Do not only get your information from TikTok! Use more reliable sources such as Amino. Prepare yourself to shift by getting into the mindset that you believe in shifting and are ready to shift. Feed your newly forming shifting belief with positive affirmations about shifting throughout the day.

Day 4: Pick an exact day that you are going to shift. Whether it be that night, or a week later, pick a date and settle on it. Leading up to that day, know with 100% certainty that you are going to shift. Throughout day 4, relate everything you do back to shifting. If you are drinking water, say "drinking this water will help me shift". If you are hanging out with friends, say "hanging out with my friends puts me in a good mood, which will help me shift", etc. Raise your motivation for shifting by scrolling through Pinterest, watching edits of your comfort character, or story times from other people's DRs. Listen to music that reminds you of your DR. Do things that put you in a relaxed, happy mood; do your skincare, take a shower. Know that all of this brings you closer to shifting.

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