Spiritual Vibrations

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What are spiritual vibrations?

All matter in the universe is made up of energy. Energy vibrates, meaning that all matter in the universe vibrates at certain frequencies. Entities with energy react according to wave function, basically meaning they vibrate either in harmony or disharmony. The law of attraction says that like attracts like. So, the frequency you are vibrating at affects the events and people that you attract into your life. Lower frequency vibrations are produced by negativity and emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, anxiety and jealousy. Higher frequency vibrations are produced by positivity and emotions such as love, confidence, compassion, sympathy, and gratitude. High vibrational frequencies are much more powerful than lower frequencies. This means that by raising your vibrations, you can eradicate the lower vibrations and attract positivity into your life. Abraham-Hicks summed this up perfectly when they said "As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract".

How to raise your vibrational frequency:

There are many ways to raise your spiritual vibrations in order to vibrate at the same frequency of what you want to attract (whether it be shifting or something else you want to manifest). One of these is to practice mindfulness, whether it be through yoga or meditation. Another way is to get out into nature and appreciate the beauty that is Earth. This is a great way to ground yourself, connecting to the Earth and charging your body with its energy. Taking a break from electronic devices is also a good way to raise vibrations, as devices can negatively impact your energy field and lower your vibrations. Spending time with positive people and fostering healthy relationships is a great way to improve your mood and raise your vibrational frequency. Finally, whether it be through journaling, meditation, or prayer, practicing gratitude is guaranteed to raise your spiritual vibrations. Gratitude is a powerful emotion of high vibrations.

Abraham-hicks emotional vibration chart:

This chart displays the emotions that vibrate at higher frequencies vs lower frequencies. As the frequency increases, consciousness expands, and you vibrate at a higher level. Aiming to vibrate at higher frequency emotions is a great way to attract your desires into your life.

 Aiming to vibrate at higher frequency emotions is a great way to attract your desires into your life

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