Final Push

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What is the final push?

The final push is the last step to getting to your DR. If you feel as if you are completely detached from your CR, you might just need one last push into your DR to shift. It is a final tipping point that can be used when you are on the verge of shifting or feel like you are stuck at the last step. Some people do not need a 'final push', but it can be helpful if you feel like you're getting close! Everyone's shifting journey is different, so your final push will not be the same as everyone else's.

How to achieve the final push and shift to your DR:

The final push is different for everyone, so you have to find what works for you. First, you have to ask yourself, "What do I believe will push me into my DR?". Some examples of a final push are rolling your eyes back into your head, imagining yourself floating into your DR body or falling into your DR body, and using your 5 senses while visualising. A final push is anything that can trick your subconscious into thinking you are already in your DR.

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