Common Shifting Misconceptions

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"Shifting is just lucid dreaming":

NO. Shifting and lucid dreaming are both possible, and you can shift through a lucid dream, but they are two separate things entirely. In a lucid dream, you are... dreaming. You can control your surroundings and things may seem hazy/foggy. You will not have all of your senses. If you have shifted, however, you will be awake. You will have all of your senses; things feel just as real in your DR as they do in this reality. Another difference is reality checks. In lucid dreams, you will 'fail' reality checks. Some reality checks include counting your fingers (if there are more/less than 10, you're dreaming), trying to push your finger through your other hand (if it goes through, you're dreaming), and trying to breathe in through your nose while pinching it shut (if you can still breathe, you're dreaming). However, if you have shifted, you will have 10 fingers, you won't be able to push your finger through your hand, you won't be able to breathe through your nose with it pinched shut etc. Doing reality checks once you think you have shifted is a good way to tell whether you have shifted or you are just lucid dreaming.

"You need ____ to shift":

You do not need anything to shift but yourself and intention. You do not need a script to shift, your subconscious already knows what DR you want to shift to. You do not need symptoms to shift. You do not need to drink a certain amount of water to shift. To shift, you just need to intend to shift and believe in your unlimited power to do so.

"You shouldn't script relationships in your DR":

You are shifting to your desired reality. No one else can tell you what to script/not script. You can script whatever you want! Scripting a relationship in your DR will not make it forced or unnatural, as that reality already exists. The reality where you are in a relationship with your comfort character was not created by you, it already exists, and you are just choosing to shift to that reality.

"The people in your DR aren't real":

Shifting is 100% real. The reality that you shift to is 100% real, and the people in that reality are 100% real. They are not your puppets; they have feelings and ambitions just as any other human does. Cheating on, hurting, or murdering people in your DR is just as bad as doing the same in this reality. The moral implications are the same. Treat the people in your DR like humans, because they are just humans. They deserve respect.

"Shifting is dangerous and against religion":

Shifting is not dangerous in any way. It is not possible to get 'stuck' in your DR, your safe word will always work, no matter what. It will not cause sleep paralysis or invite demons into your life. All of these comments are just complete misinformation. Shifting is not witchcraft and is not against any religion. Anyone can shift!

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