General Shifting Tips

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Meditation is not needed to shift; however, it can be extremely helpful. Meditating before attempting to shift can help you disconnect from your CR, which makes your mind easier to trick into thinking you have shifted. It can also clear your mind and make it easier to focus solely on shifting. Apart from shifting, meditation is a great daily habit to get into and has many physical and mental benefits.

Practice gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful emotion of high vibrations, and, as previously mentioned, emotions play a huge part in shifting. Practicing daily gratitude can help improve your life and mood as a whole, not just in relation to shifting. Simply writing down 5 things you are grateful for as soon as you wake up, and right before you go to bed, is a powerful way to practice gratitude. Acknowledge how lucky you are to live in just the right place at the right time in order to discover reality shifting and have access to masses of information about it. Out of billions of people, you have been chosen to know about it. Simply acknowledging this fact can help improve your mindset towards shifting. After all, shifting wouldn't have been introduced into your life if you weren't capable of it.

Let symptoms happen, don't focus on them:

If you are attempting to shift and experience some of the symptoms mentioned earlier, you may be inclined to focus on these symptoms, and even let them distract you from shifting. By focusing on these symptoms, you are focusing on your CR body. This does nothing but tie you to your CR, which can hold you back from shifting. Although it may seem hard at first, try to acknowledge symptoms when they come, and simply let them happen. Do not focus on them, just recenter your mind to continue your method/visualisation/affirmations etc.

Don't obsess over how long it takes you:

Shifting is not an easy process. It may take days, weeks, months or even longer. However, don't let this stop you from trying. The more you focus on how long it is taking, the longer it will take. You are holding yourself back from shifting because like attracts like, and by obsessing over how long it takes, you are elongating the process further. Wouldn't you rather take a year to shift and be able to spend lifetimes in other realities, rather than just give up? Even if you have been trying for months, it is such a tiny portion of your life that it is almost insignificant when paired with the amount of time you will spend in your DR once you shift. Instead of focusing on how long the process is, simply enjoy it. This goes back to gratitude and being grateful that you get to experience the process. It means that you will be so much happier once you finally do succeed.

Do what works for you:

With so much shifting information flying around, whether it be on TikTok, Amino or Discord, it is important to listen to your body and intuition when trying to shift. Not every method will work for you, and it is completely okay to try different methods or change methods to suit you. If someone recommends a shifting method, subliminal etc. but it doesn't work for you, THAT IS OKAY! It may be a process of trial and error when finding what works best for you and gives you the best results. Try to do your own research instead of getting all of your information from TikTok, or even this document. It is important to get your information from a range of sources so that you know it is trustworthy. All in all, whatever makes you feel better about shifting, is extremely valuable to your shifting journey.

You only need YOU to shift:

If you ever hear something like "you need to drink water to shift", or "you need to meditate before you shift", know that this is just blatantly wrong. It is easy to become caught up in all of the methods, subliminals and guided meditations, but at the end of the day, you need none of that to shift. All you need to shift is you. Don't overcomplicate the process by convincing yourself that you have to do a whole routine before/during shifting. You are so powerful and have been introduced to shifting for a reason. All you need to do to shift, is to set the intention to shift and use your unlimited power to get there! If doing certain methods, listening to subliminals, meditating etc. helps you shift, do it! All of this can certainly help the shifting process, but it is not what makes you shift. You make you shift.

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