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What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short, powerful statements that help manifest and confirm beliefs in your subconscious mind. They can be said out loud or in your head, and they help with shifting because they can convince your subconscious mind that shifting is real, and that you can do it! Affirmations can be said periodically throughout the day. They can also be repeated over and over while trying to shift in order to trick your mind into thinking that you have shifted, although they are not necessary to shift. A helpful tip is to say "I am grateful that..." followed by any of the affirmations listed below. Gratitude is a strong emotion with high vibrations that can help you shift!

Some affirmations for shifting:

I am in my desired reality

I am a master shifter

Shifting is easy for me

Shifting comes naturally to me

Shifting is simple

I let go of my doubts

I have full belief in shifting

I am pure consciousness, not tethered to any reality

I am (DR name)

I have shifted

I am safe in my desired reality

I am more than my physical body, because I am more than physical matter

"I am" affirmations using the 5 senses (eg. I smell lavender)

I give myself permission to shift

I can shift easily, whenever I want

I belong in my DR

I am the universe, and I allow myself to shift

I deserve to shift

I desire to expand my experience

I am stronger than my doubts

I have successfully shifted to my DR

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