Manifesting (Law of Attraction)

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What is manifesting/the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts attract positive or negative experiences into one's life. Essentially, it means that thoughts become things. If you are having negative thoughts, you are putting out negative energy, which manifests back into your life as negative experiences and relationships. Similarly, if you are having positive thoughts, you are putting out positive energy, which manifests as positive experiences and healthy relationships. With this knowledge, you can harness the law of attraction in order to manifest anything into your life. Whether it be a material possession, a relationship, a job, or money, the law of attraction is limitless. A manifestation is something that has been put into your physical reality through thoughts, feelings and beliefs. You can focus your thoughts, feelings and beliefs in a particular direction to receive whatever you want!

How do you manifest?

Before attempting to manifest, you first have to decide what it is that you actually want. Set the intention in your mind and be very clear on your desire. Once you have decided what you want to manifest, use a manifestation technique, or even a combination of multiple techniques. Then, let go of your desire and leave it to the universe. Do not worry about how your manifestation will come to you, only focus on the end result. Finally, take a step back and be grateful for what you have manifested. One of the most important parts of manifesting is acting as if you already have what you desire and feeling grateful for that. Some great manifestation techniques are:

Visualisation: Spend 2-10 minutes a day visualising your desire. Put as much energy and focus into the visualisation as you can. As you are visualising, allow feelings of gratitude and happiness to grow stronger and stronger. Visualise your desire as if you already have it, putting as much detail in as possible. Use your five senses to really experience what it is like to receive your desire. Do not try and visualise how your manifestation will come about, only focus on the end result.

Manifestation Journal: A manifestation journal is a notebook dedicated to writing down positive thoughts in relation to what you want to manifest. Use your manifestation journal for manifesting only. In your journal, you can write diary entries as if you have just received your desire. You can also repeatedly write affirmations acting as if you have already received your desire. A popular method is the 3x33 method, in which you write "I am so happy and grateful now that [insert desire]" 33 times in a row, for 3 days.

Vision board: Vision boards are like scrapbooks of your greatest desires, goals and ambitions. Cut out pictures, affirmations, or words, and arrange them however you like on a board. Hang this up somewhere that you will regularly see it. Each time you look at the vision board, you are aligning yourself with the energy of your desires, and they will manifest into your life very quickly. Vision boards don't have to be physical boards, they can also be phone/laptop backgrounds, or anywhere you will regularly see it.

Letter from your future self: Imagine that you are 1, 5, 10 years in the future. Whenever it is that you have received your manifestation, imagine that you are in that time period. As the future you that has received your desire, write a letter to your current self. Write about everything that you have achieved, and how happy and grateful you feel now that you have received your manifestation. Go into detail about how amazing you feel, and how much of a positive transformation has occurred since your manifestation came true. Sign the letter, and seal it. Once your manifestation has come true, re-read the letter and reflect on all that you have achieved!

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