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What is visualising?

Visualising is forming a mental image or scene in your mind. The ability to visualise varies from person to person; some people can only just make out images, whereas others can visualise detailed scenes in full colour. Some people have a condition called aphantasia, which means they cannot visualise at all. Visualising can be a great technique to use while shifting, although it is not at all necessary! If you are not good at visualising, focus on feelings when you are attempting to shift. Imagine what it would feel like to touch, hear, smell, and taste certain aspects of your DR. As well as this, imagine the emotions you will feel once you finally shift. Let the feelings of excitement and happiness fill up your body and push you into your DR.

What should you visualise when attempting to shift?

Depending on your ability to visualise, you should find what works best for you! Perhaps you want to visualise where you will wake up in your DR, or how your first day there will play out. Maybe there are certain scenarios that you want to happen, visualise them! Whatever gives you the strongest emotions and connects you the deepest to your DR, is the best way to go. One tip for visualising is to use ALL OF YOUR SENSES. If you are visualising where you want to wake up, what do you see when you wake up? What textures can your body feel? What can you hear? Smell? Taste? By using your senses, you are connecting yourself to your DR and tricking your mind into thinking that you are already there.

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