Shifting Methods

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Raven method:

This method can be used as an awake method, but it is primarily a sleep method. Before going to bed, make sure you are really tired and on the verge of falling asleep. Start counting from 0-100, and between each number, say an affirmation. You can use the same affirmation every time, or switch them every 10 numbers, whatever works for you. Once you reach 100, simply fall asleep.

Train method:

Visualise yourself on a train. The destination of the train is your DR. While visualising, use your 5 senses. What do you see? Where are you sitting? What can you smell? Can you hear the train, people talking, birds chirping? Keep visualising and saying affirmations until you fall asleep (if you use this as a sleep method) or feel your surroundings change (if you use this as an awake method).

Lucid dream method:

If done properly, this method undoubtedly has the highest success rate, for beginners and experienced shifters alike. For this method, you have to be in a lucid dream. Different techniques to get into a lucid dream are mentioned later on. Once you are in a lucid dream, ground yourself in the dream by rubbing your hands together or spinning in a circle while staring at the ground. It is recommended to start by summoning a small object, such as an apple. You can summon it right in front of you, but some people find it easier to say something like 'when I turn around, an apple will be there'. This way it is easier to summon objects, as you do not have to watch them being summoned. Try this for a few objects until you feel confident and stable in the dream. Then, summon a portal to your DR. As you walk through the portal, affirm that it leads to your DR and that you will wake up in your DR.

Alice in wonderland method:

Visualise yourself lying under a tree. You sit up, and see someone from your DR. You try to talk to them, but they run away. You run after them, following them, until they jump down a rabbit hole. You follow them and jump down the hole. While falling, imagine yourself passing things from your CR, letting them go. Take as long as you need on this step. Once you are ready, you land in a small room with a table and a door. On the table is a key, which you pick up and use to unlock the door. Once you open the door, there is someone from your DR standing there. They say, 'are you ready to go?' and you reply 'yes'. They take your hand and lead you through the door. You are now in your DR bedroom and see your DR self, lying on the bed. You go up to the bed and lie in the same position as your DR self. From here, say affirmations until you fall asleep or your surroundings change.

Piano method:

Visualise yourself entering a big hall with a grand piano in the middle. There are loads of people in the hall. You are in elegant clothes, and you turn heads as soon as you walk in. You walk up to the piano, and as you sit on the piano seat, the hall goes silent. You start to play a song on the piano. Take your time with this step, visualise using your 5 senses and feel the music that you are playing. Once you finish, you stand up and bow. The hall erupts into applause, and you say "sorry, but I have to go home now". You walk through the hall and someone from your DR is at the end, they hold out their hand and you take it. They lead you into a corridor filled with doors. You walk down until you see a brown oak door with a gold handle. They open the door, and you are met with a shining golden light. They say to you "welcome home" and motion you through the door. Step through the door. When the light fades, start visualising and affirming until you fall asleep or your surroundings change.

Estelle method:

It is recommended to use headphones for this method. Play a song that reminds you of your DR. As it is playing, imagine yourself dancing to the song with a character from your DR. You can either loop the song or play it just once. Once you have finished dancing, the character you were dancing with leads you to a door and asks, "are you ready to go home now?". You reply with, "yes", and they open the door. As they open the door, you are met with an extremely bright white light. Step through the door into the light, you may feel as though you're falling as you step through the door. From here, start affirming and visualising until you fall asleep or your surroundings change.

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